The Gym Owners Blog/Podcast/Assessment Sales 101: Part 2

Assessment Sales 101: Part 2

Friday, January 20, 2023

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assessment, people, gym, talking, offer, clients, opportunity, coaches, tyler, fitness, goals, copy, building, service, framework, movement, language, weight, coaching


  • ​Introduction to this episode - 0:01
  • ​The four letter word “sale” holds so much weight - 1:14
  • ​What is E S P? - 6:06
  • ​Why your clients do not care about your language - 8:52
  • ​How do you even know how to do all of these things? - 12:53
  • ​The biggest mistake you can make with your gym - 17:41
  • ​Group fitness coaching vs one-on-one coaching - 20:26


Tyler 00:01

Welcome back to the gym owners podcast. Guys. I'm your host at Tyler stone that's at Tyler effing stone on Instagram. Jonathan, we are.

John Fairbanks 00:11

Yeah, I'm John Fairbanks. And you can find me on Instagram at Jay banks, f. L.

Tyler 00:16

Welcome back to the podcast, we have kind of a continuation a little bit. We went over last week on using kind of a blueprint and why you should use that in a way to make selling assessments easier in your business. And we kind of wanted to elaborate on that, because we get some feedback from coaches and one of the very common things that they say as well, I know how to do assessments, and nobody fucking wants to buy. And that I would actually say is the most common complaint in regards to movement assessment. So we talked about gym owners, adding that as a product or finding ways to make new channels or revenue. Every time we point to assessments is the first answer we get as well, I tried to do, nobody wants to buy it. And we ended up finding that the issue is very often in the way that you're talking about it. So we'll kind of go into that in depth. Here as we go. How do we want to kick this off? John? Should we start with why?

John Fairbanks 01:14

Yeah, it started with like, you use the four letter word Tyler, which was sales. And at the end of the day, that was really what every person we ran into, they were having a problem with that word, it holds so much weight, it's one of those things where the second they think of sales, they start thinking of like a sleazy like pleated pant wearing plaid suit wearing, used car salesman type guy. And the fact is, is that we've all I know I dealt with it when I had my gym, I guarantee you did and I know that every person we've talked to so far has dealt with it in some way, which is they've tried to be able to infuse more money, more revenue in their gym. So they start working with outside consultants, maybe they hire a company, they get going with a group. And they get their very first set of canned template messages that they need to use. And it's instant death. It just sucks the soul right out of you every time you send something. And you think you're doing it right. And a little piece of your soul leaves each and every time. And it isn't until you get that one message in your DMS from like one of those trusted members of your gym that have been with you for a while. And they're kind of like, Hey, is everything okay? It seems like you're, it seems like you're doing something different or something new. And it's awful.

Tyler 02:41

Did you hire someone to write a copy who's really bad? Well, there's a lot out there, I think as gym owners when we start, especially when you're doing a lot of this stuff, DIY in the beginning. So everything we always talk about gets to the point of you understanding just enough and they get yourself out of the way and delegating Well, looking at copy and figuring out ad copy email, copy social media posts, copy, you know this, the phrases and terms you use and call to action. It's best that you learn some of it so that you just don't completely trust anything that anybody tells you to go and send out to your people. But also, in trying to do it on our own, you can really fall in this trap of just blindly copying, pasting stuff that you see and just shooting it out there. Which is, which is brutal. It's unreasonable. People don't like it, they worry about the business and the community that they liked so much, they worry that it's being taken away from them. Because they're like, Man, I used to like these guys and this guy and the things that they did in this gym, and now it just seems like I'm just getting copy, paste mastered. And it's really, really tough to digest. Now. What's one of the things we want to get into here for assessments, though, is that when people started going this route, when it comes to assessments is the reason they can't sell it, it's for the same reason is your copy your form of communication, whether it's verbal or an email, otherwise, is completely oriented on the wrong thing. It's super important and we go through, we use some frameworks to describe almost everything. But the gist of this thing is the way that you're talking about your assessments is the reason that your people don't care at all about your assessments. And the way that we've mentioned this before is your movement assessment, your, Hey, I see what's going on when you bench press like I kind of see that thing. I know what's going on. I think let's get to the root of it. And I can really help fix this. This thing. Let's find out what this problem is. And the assessment just points to a problem. And the problem points to needing the assessment and nobody cares about solving a problem is the truth. Your athletes don't care. Your clients don't care. Nobody off the street comes in. Really, really get in touch with them about what they actually are there for. And most of them do not like the shoulder. This bothered me for 20 years. They're not paying you To fix this for them, they're paying you for abs and fun and coaching and fitness. And you should be able to nudge them in a way that will not exacerbate those injuries. And that should hopefully give them options to work around them and build strength so that they can be pain free. But I promise you, if you're a fitness coach, and you're going to pain, pain, pain, pain, pain, assess, diagnose, assess, diagnose, they don't care, because that's not what they hire you for. And no matter how loudly we say that, like that, you can do it. And by the way, I believe all of you that you can, but no matter how loud you say it, you just sound like somebody who's trying to be like, Hey, I'm the guy that can do this. I know what I'm doing. And it's awful. It's really, really unpalatable. And that's why the assessment itself, the movement assessment sets, we always use this analogy, but it's just a tool in your toolbox. And it's not for you to explain to them that I'm going to do this assessment. Nobody wants to be assessed. Nobody wants to be diagnosed. And so we kind of reframe this in a way. And John, you want to take it from here with how we start, to reframe the assessment, communication. Yeah,

John Fairbanks 06:06

The first way we step back, we built out what we do, right, and it used to be a framework that you and I can easily look back on and say, Okay, this is something that we can easily follow. Can we do it? If we can do it? Wow, fucking anybody can do it. Right? And so that's where we start. So it was easy. We want to make it super simple, right? We wanted to be able to talk to people about assessments, talk to coaches, talk to clients, talk to anyone about assessments, as though we can read their mind. And so this is why the framework we created was called E S, P. And so the, the number one goal, like you said, is stop talking about the tool of the assessment. And now start talking about the number one goal should be just establishing what the client wants to achieve in the near future. Hard stop. Gotcha. And so the E is established goals. And this has been the most successful strategy that we've seen when it comes to interacting with people, whether they were a new client, whether they are renewing clients, or current clients, it didn't matter is fully transitioning the assessment offering away from the assessment and towards just the service of goal setting, game planning, right, whatever you want to call it. Once it's that, now it's going to be whatever the client wants to achieve is the goal. And it's amazing when someone can hear start being like, Oh, well, yeah, I want to achieve that, like, great. I want you to achieve that to like, awesome. How do we do that? People become immediately more receptive to everything that you're saying. And we've talked to you and said it was a tool, Tyler, and this is the idea where it's like, if you're a roofer, it's kind of like, if you want to sell someone a new roof, which is a good chunk of change. The last thing you're ever going to do is just totally nerd out with the customer about like the hammer, you use that super badass to build the roof. Like, the person is gonna be like, are you trying to sell me a hammer? Or like, I want a roof? I want this thing over here. Like, oh, yeah, but like this thing is going to do all this stuff. It's like, are you just talking to me about the roof? That's,

Tyler 08:15

and that's exactly the right way to present it is because I do feel like as coaches is a reason, a lot of coaches that get pay for education and learn and understand how to do a very high quality movement assessment, they end up only finding interest in them from other coaches, their own coaches are interested in seeing other coaches that they know are interested in it, because we just want to nerd out on movement. And that's great, that's great for coaches, and you were sold that as a coach, you were sold that because you're a coach, and you like that stuff, like you're into that kind of stuff, and you want to nerd out on that level. But your clients do not care. I talked about this before, but you go in and you start talking to people about their Latin, they're terrorists major, and they're oblique, and it's this pack versus this pack. Even if you're right, 100% they don't give a shit. And I just cannot understand why coaches keep using that language. And unless you're speaking to coaches, that language might as well be speaking Mandarin. And this is and it goes nowhere. And so this is the biggest issue that we found is that you're just talking about your own toys, in the language that your own people are gonna, like you and your other coaches are going to love and it just doesn't work at all. And when we finally had people start, like the first step of this, establish your clients goals. And then the most important step is to speak their language. I was never a service technician, it was my inclination. When I started, I wanted to go out and talk to these people. And when I found out what was wrong, I was stoked. Right it's like it's I'm the smart guy I diagnosed it to be the cool, exciting part that makes me feel brilliant. And we had To teach all of our technicians to shut the fuck up about that part that they were doing, you know that the clients don't care. And by the way, you being excited that you found out what's wrong, just makes you come off like a dick. Yes, it really makes you come off really condescending, like, Forget Latin dummy, like and even if you communicate the best, all you're doing is picking up their flaws. And they don't like it. And when someone's having a problem in their home or on their body in the gym, coming up and just being jacked up like, well, we're gonna outsmart I am, I know that the thing and the thing winds up, and then that's how we ended up here. And they just don't care. And so speaking their language after having actually established their goals, the assessment, your version, the way we view the assessment as a tool, that's not a product, that's just a tool, this product that we're talking about, the assessment is a part of this product. And that means establishing their goals, and then speaking their language, because if someone's here for weight loss, and you're going to offer them a movement assessment, and not involve anything with weight with body weight, you're not going to collect any data on body weight, body composition, you're not gonna talk about food habits, you're not even gonna offer them a service regarding food habits, nutrition, I mean, nothing, then how aligned Are you? Or how misaligned are you with your actual clients interests? If that's how you're coming up, you're coming at this speech coming through with your assessments, like you had talked about their lat and their shoulder and tariffs major, or whatever bullshit you want to like, like, by the way that might be right. And they're only there because they want to lose weight. So you need to put out fixing this shoulder stuff is a part of this. But even then you don't need to force that point, saying simply, on its order, what do you want to accomplish these next few months? It's a hammer of a question, when it gets to find out what people want what they really want. In the fitness space, there's a timeline, they're going to be they're going to understand I mentioned to you things that are in their own way, you know, very often it's themselves very often it's an injury, or I know I need to do this, I know I need to do that. But now you're actually speaking their language. So when you get finished, it's you know, okay, so you've lost weight, you're having a hard time with the bat. So you can't really lift very heavy, you're having a hard time with food habits and stuff like this. Now, me offering an actual thing that's all inclusive, that maybe let's find a real status, check on your weight right now body composition, let's do a real conversation about your food habits, then let's see what movement issues we're having in the way so that we can come up with a plan to put those movement issues behind you. And also your current plan for and if some of that involves extra attention from me as code for that is a very important part of the ESP framework is the P which is

John Fairbanks 12:53

providing opportunity. But Tyler is one thing I have to bring up though, before we even move to this piece. It's how do you even know how to do all those things, though, because I'd be willing to bet everything that you just described, you just rattled off like one after another one after another of all these phrases and words that would then connect with a client on their level with like a regular human being that doesn't say what they do for fitness, but the fact that they work out that I enjoy working out, I don't enjoy fitness and like

Tyler 13:24

periodized training are you into? So that kind

John Fairbanks 13:27

of stuff, right? Yeah. And it's how do you know, it's like it's don't overcomplicate it, it's start, if you have people, you have everything that you need. And we spend too much time trying to validate all the time that we've spent, like paying money to get coaching, and all the money that we've spent to be able to get smarter, and so that we want to just exert our will and smartness on everyone. And instead, it's like, dude, start, start lit, stop talking so much, and just start listening to what people are saying. And they're literally going to tell you what their goals are, what they want to achieve with the words that they're using. Because I would say, Tyler, if you're still selling assessments, like, like you said, fixing the Latin, fixing these things, do an eye, you don't even get the opportunity to even get the meeting. You don't even get the meeting with someone that really just wants to be able to lose weight. So it's like if that is a complete mess, and so that's why it's, it's not rocket science, you have the people right in front of you. So as soon as you stop using that coach's speech, and just start listening to the words that your people are saying and start asking your people hey, I'm trying to potty train here. Like I would love to like, hey, you've been here for a while like what's some of the things you enjoy the most like? Whatever they say is about to be absolute fucking gold. So don't miss it. Because I don't know they're not using some science bullshit.

Tyler 14:52

I will almost guarantee you if you polled every member in your gym, what their top two goals would be over the course. The next 90 days that 95% of them would include one of their top two goals would include getting leaner. creaking, guarantee it. So how is your so you coming and speaking assessments based on the flaws? And she was like, Yeah, listen, bitch oh, live this broken hip and busted back all the way to, I don't fucking care, you know what I mean? Like come on. And yeah, your job is not to ride them till the wheels fall off at all costs but like, you know, use the thing that they care about to give them the things that they need and want to. And it's not that hard. So at the end of this, once you've gotten to speak their language, they're gonna start to be interested in the thing you're talking about. Now, Hey, you want to get leaner, let's come up with a new terminology for your assessment that's better than assessing or diagnosing because that's something and you figure out how that works. We like the term map sessions. Because we need to assess or come up with a path forward. Or however we do it, the map sounds like there's a journey sometimes going somewhere. And sometimes we use body mapping and scanning stuff too. So the visual representation that they get, it all kind of aligns and feels like a professional product. That is about a plan and a path forward. And this does need to be an integrated product. But once you've spoken their language, and now you're hearing it, the whole point of this whole thing is that we're providing an opportunity for them. That moment, isn't me the goal of the assessment, the way most of you guys are communicating very often. I mean, you're doing great. Sure you're selling tons of them. If you're not, I promise you, it's your fault. And so, so for a lot of you that it's not working. It's not working, because all you're telling them is you're going to find out what's wrong with them. Right? Even if what's going forward, that's just not what the Cisco frame is, this is what they want, in what they want, find out exactly what that is and the opportunities you're presenting them forward. might actually make sense to them not just do more work on your lap, you're gonna have to work on the inside of the bicep and your left pecs a little fucked up. And of course, you just don't engage your hamstrings that well, well, truthfully, this covers 80% of all athletes, the things that I've just mentioned right now. And so like, none of this is that, like, so can you take that and integrate that data, the information and actually come up with a plan and present it as a plan to getting what they want. Because nobody is paying you $200 a month to fix their shoulder. Either way, you can do a good job. But in their brain, when the time comes to spend money on something that they're gonna pay someone, it's not you for an hour to get used to it.

John Fairbanks 17:41

Outside of making the mistake, is everything you just said outside of making the mistake of talking about it badly. That's the number one mistake we see. The next mistake, that's the most egregious that I see almost everyone make, is that the assessment is the opportunity. That is the thing, right? It's like, it's like, well, you're broken. So use this and then you'll know and then you'll know what you need to do. And it's like, no, because it's

Tyler 18:08

an opportunity to find out how smart you are.

John Fairbanks 18:11

Right? Right. So when we say that, when we say provide an opportunity to others, this is our bread and butter. We've talked about it now for several episodes. We built a goddamn University, online, to help people figure out how to do this. And that is what it means to provide an opportunity. This provides people an opportunity to spend more money with you in your gym. And what we call us is offer building, creating an actual offer, telling you it's one of my favorite things that you say on this podcast, which is the only thing that somebody can do with a gym membership is cancel it. Yeah. And the fact is, if your only opportunity that someone has is to just be a member of your gym for the rest of all time and eternity. That isn't an opportunity. That's a wedding proposal.

Tyler 19:03

Yeah. Yeah. And not a fun one.

Tyler 19:07

And this. And I think that that's super important, because this is where this can actually become a centerpiece in your business. And it's super important for that, because then this gives you your resale opportunities constantly. So this is where you come in. And if someone comes through the end of the assessment, it's not, hey, look how smart I am. I figured out what's wrong with you. Well, if I can figure it out. The point is now I have services in my business that I can offer, which allows them to know what you do know what services you have, that can help them get to where they want to go not where you want them to go. Right? And then after that it's gonna fully allow them to take action on it or not. And if they don't take action, by the way, and as they're entitled not to write if they don't take action right then and there. They know three months down the road. If they haven't achieved their weight goals and the shoulders. They know Hey, you He did tell me what I could do, and I didn't do it. And now like this seed has been planted. And at the very least, you don't have a membership base at your gym, that has no fucking clue what you do or what you can actually do for him. And the only thing they can think of is they have their time in class that they show up, and they do their exercise, and then they leave . That's not a service. It's just it's not, it's barely a service. And so lots of coaches do a really good job in that group format. But you and I both know, and everybody out there knows, if every one of them got an extra hour or two a week, have you, with them directly focus without all the noise, give them all the fun of group fitness elsewhere. But like, if they had an extra hour or two a week with you, they would do really, really, really good things if you're good at your job. And I hope you are.

John Fairbanks 20:48

Yeah. And if that's what you want to do, you actually want to help people, then start presenting opportunities for the people that want that help. There's people, there's more people that are in your communities than you then you realize that just with that want that extra help. There's an equal number of people that don't want that help. And they're going to continue to be your group, Warrior group. Like that's all they're going to do. They're going to be those group warrior classes, folks. But there are those folks that want that more one on one, and then you can provide that higher level of service. Well,

Tyler 21:19

we gotta get out of here soon. John, I do want to wrap up real quick about one of the reasons we talk about this is the sale after this for the opportunities that you provide for them. It kind of sits at the centerpiece of what we do with offer building. The goal of this is to actually challenge yourself to be the best at your job. But you can be mean if someone comes in and you just do an assessment, say yeah, see, it's the latter and you give them some lab exercises, and then that's it. Well, that's not a very thorough coaching product. And if you want to be respected and well paid as a fucking coach, or as a business owner, then I think you need to start rethinking how can I offer more what services can I offer to this person who say, comes through your new map session, instead of a diagnostic assessment, they come through and do your map session, and they go through the learning want to lose 20 pounds, they got a bit of a back thing. And they have some, you know, wiggly stuff in their midsection, really low control over them, their ability to brace and they have back pain. And so they have trouble with their nutritional habits. And you know, they're just kind of stalled out in their fitness. Well, that person is right to reinvest, they might be very right for supplements and nutrition coaching. And they may want just one day a week of your time, one hour a week, for say, eight weeks or 12 weeks to make sure we're getting focused work on the actual movement related stuff. So you can present them with offers offers status such supplements put this one week, one day a week for 12 weeks with this nutrition coaching for this, there's farming out to somebody else, you can do all sorts of stuff with that type of a framework, or that type of an offer presentation that actually gets your clients the results they're there to get it makes you better at your job. And if they say yes to any of those services, every single person wins, they get a better service, you make more money. And I go one day a week for two days a week and offer three days a week. So I kind of feel about what they want. So here's what we can do 1212 Or three, and they can just look at it. And they can tell you no to everything. But that's really the reason behind this offer building stuff is if you want your business to be good at it, then put yourself in a position where you actually have to deliver. Because if all you're doing is shuffling people into group classes, I hate to break it to you. If people don't get results. You're just gonna blame it on them or the group class vote dynamic or whatever. And I just don't think that we need to be using that excuse anymore.

John Fairbanks 23:42

Yeah, I'm all about it. If you want my route, nice job. You did great.

Tyler 23:47

Alright, guys, we gotta

John Fairbanks 23:49

dive. Yeah, but if you want to deep dive on the offer building stuff, go to hack your Right. Jim hacking university exists for this exact thing. Deep Dive into your gym, use what you already have inside of your business and be able to start putting offers together and start providing opportunities to your clients. No matter what you are, whether you're a personal trainer, whether you want to open a gym, whether you are a five year veteran with the gym, it's if you want to be able to provide more opportunities for people to be successful. It's a great place to start.

Tyler 24:21

And we've got I would say the easiest, most easy to deliver the highest rate of success sales system that you're ever going to stumble across. If you're not used to a bunch of slick pointless language this offer building things makes it a hell of a lot easier on us present offers. Gotta be slick. You don't gotta sell anything. So alright. Go to community dot hacker. get into the group. Make sure you follow me on the show at gym owners podcast and John

John Fairbanks 24:50

at Jay banks f L on Instagram.

Tyler 24:52

Awesome. We'll see you next week.

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