The Gym Owners Blog/Podcast/Gym Evolution w/ Tyler Reiter

Gym Evolution w/ Tyler Reiter

Saturday, May 04, 2024



gym, coaches, program, crossfit, tyler, sports, starts, performance, brand, ymca, kids, hour, built, torque, bit, programming, talk, added


  • Building multiple programs under one gym umbrella. (0:00)
  • Offering different fitness programs and access options for gym members. (4:49)
  • Implementing a digital membership system for a gym during COVID-19. (9:00)
  • 24-hour gym access and its benefits, including increased membership and revenue. (12:47)
  • Creating a separate business for sports performance training. (18:18)
  • Branding and marketing for a sports performance program. (23:07)
  • ​Gym ownership, programming, and expansion plans. (30:02)


Tyler 00:00
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this week's episode of the gym owners podcast. I'm your host Tyler Stone over there as John Fairbanks. How are you doing John?

John Fairbanks 00:07
I'm wonderful Tyler.

Tyler 00:08
And without further ado, we're going to introduce the other Tyler guys. Are you? Is he our first two times? Guest Yes, probably Tyler, writer for torque, strength and conditioning in the Twin Cities. Woodbury if you know what's up. Welcome Tyler, still ready? Hello.

Tyler Reiter 00:24
Hey, thanks for having me.

Tyler 00:27
All right, so we're gonna get right into it. Tyler, you've been doing some stuff, we've known each other for Jesus for like 2016 1717, something like that. And your business has evolved a lot over that time. But there's some principles we want from our gym owners and people who listen to this show. We want them to be able to extract from the things that you do well, because we don't want everybody to just mimic all the things that Tyler does, because they're not necessarily going to fit. They're not gonna fit, you're rather not gonna fit everything. But the principle you've done really, really well is building other brands, other systems, other programs underneath the umbrella of your gym and continuing to evolve over the years. I mean, long long ago, when we met you were a completely different name. It was a CrossFit affiliate with a bit of a big strong guy vibe added to it. And then it's that kind of slowly that's changed spin. Now it's a strength gym. And you've added torque sports performance, you've built Parisi, the other sports performance brand out of there, as well as weightlifting clubs, powerlifting clubs, you let coaches come in. So there's a lot of things that you've done, that have been built under your, under the umbrella of your gym, instead of you being this like a single commodity, which I think helps a lot. And just I would like you to tell us a little bit about what that journey has been like, maybe the summary first, and we'll dive into some specifics.

Tyler Reiter 01:52
Yeah, no, it's, it's been, it's fair. It's been 10 years now. And it's just kind of always just gone with the sales of, you know, what people kind of like the vibe of our coaching staff for, you know, what, what's needed. And obviously, I have huge influence being the owner, but I also, you know, what, what do I like to coach or what is kind of what's in my wheelhouse, so to speak. Yeah, so we again, we just started this CrossFit gym, I thought it's definitely as a way to get into the gym business, because I was, you know, I didn't own a gym, obviously, before this. And it was a pretty cheap and easy way to get into it. Especially back then, when CrossFit gyms were pretty, pretty successful. And right from the bat, like you said, we kind of like a big, we did a different twist, but we had our torque barbell, which was our way of in club and I was coaching some kids for sports performance. But we kind of didn't have an umbrella for all the programs we had, because I had some other coaches in there who did like hit programs, and we had like, we actually have cycling classes we recommend. So even from the beginning, we were never really purely across the gym, we had a lot of different programs. And that's something I kind of stole from my years into why. And it kind of just stuck with me, you know, because within a YMCA, we are nonprofit, we're a little different, because our CEO would actually back to fitness programs pretty heavily. And they saw a lot of value in multiple programs. That way you kind of hook you know, you get more people in your facility, right? Rather than just being a one trick pony. And so that's kind of how I went about it. And obviously, one thing, you know, with a nonprofit is they can't do it. They only do it. You know, that drove me nuts. So after that, I was like, well, if we're gonna do something, I want to do it to the best weekend like the best it should be. So that's kind of the way I've always done it.

Tyler 03:51
Yeah. Well, and this concept too, because one of the things that we talk about quite a bit on the show, and this is what I think the why does that mean? Hi, can

John Fairbanks 04:03
you hear that? John? It's on. It's on the rider 's side. Okay,

Tyler 04:06
I think we're okay, as long as I don't bark. But one of the things that I think the YMCA does Well, aside from, you know, do a nonprofit, you oftentimes low quality business in a space that like is now we have to compete with but we have to make money to fucking eat. But what they do really well is they understand the concept of somebody's life time fitness journey, a client's lifetime fitness journey. And that is not always how we always think of our metrics that we assess or the concepts we think of in our gym are within our gym, right? How long are they spending with us? Like lifetime value? What's their ticket price, like how long is there an average term of this? But the reality is if we assess the entire fitness journey of the average person, it's fucking all over the place. They may get into stand up paddleboarding in the summer and, and they may do Body Pump maybe the first way they get into a gym and maybe one class or they spent two years wandering around the weight room. Ain't mostly by themselves for a couple of years like that's, there's plenty of pathways that people get into fitness. And they're constantly rattling and bouncing around. You've done it, I've done it, your gym has done it, how many people you know that are CrossFitters that decide eventually, like, they just don't want to deal with that sizzle all the time. And then they become weightlifters, or they get into bodybuilding where they just find a way that fits their lifestyle as they age a little bit better. And I think that that is the concept that the Why did well. And that's I think exactly what you've extracted in what you're doing now is your system was not just a CrossFit gym, and it wasn't just a power gym. Now it's like I you know, and I've identified that people will find their way into the things that you do. And you need to have at least some different offerings, because unless we're super specialized, like we they got to be really, really specialized, and lots of fucking people got to want it. Or we do have to broaden up just a little bit. Or else, there's just not enough bodies in a lot of markets. And a lot of those types of, you know, the powerlifting people, it's tough to make money off of power, that power lifters don't hire coaches all that much. They don't do much, they are messy. They take five fucking hours in the gym, and they show up all the time. So they're not always the most profitable group. And I think that broadening out and being able to serve more people better over a long enough timeline in different ways. When it gives them options. So when they get stale, they don't fucking bail, right? It's just like, I'm tired of this. I'm gonna try something new. And I do think I'm glad you brought up the why because I shit on the YMCA. But this is but that is a thing that they do. Well, that's why sometimes it's tough to compete, because it's cheap, and you can do fucking anything there. Yeah, exactly.

Tyler Reiter 06:42
And like you said, though, they don't do some of those programs justice. But as far as things go, and it is kind of along that spectrum or time on a people's fitness journey, and obviously even within that we still have our niche like we don't do your you know, your Orangetheory kind of shit. But you nailed it on that because also in the sample weightlifters beat up and I'm like, Alright, go do this thing. Or someone like an adult doing our general fitness or GPP program wants to kind of spice things up and like well here do this or life change, work happens. You know, they're like, I just can't do this program. So I like to give them something else and then they can do the block training where they maybe have their training with a weightlifter, a powerlifter or a high school kid who's doing their specific program they're still getting coach.

Tyler 07:29
Yeah. Tyler, will you be back from scratch audio? Can you hear me? Lost your sound again? Quick audio hiccup we're back. So well tell me about there's a couple of transitions I would like us to like to talk about as well because I think you offering 24 hour or not, you do offer 24 hour correct like keycard access, which is a concept I do like I like for gyms to consider this. But also, if it's not necessarily 24 hours, I still like access to the gym. So like for people that have been coaching during group classes or have certain structures over a long time. The idea of having people just come and work out in your gym on your own, on their own is almost foreign to them. But we miss out on an entire subset of people out there who like I don't want to fucking workout with somebody hovering over me I'm maybe I know what I want to do. Or maybe I want to program but people like my personal training clients, you'll never fucking see them in a group fitness class ever. Don't want it for not if it was free, they're not going there's just it's not on their radar at all. And this allows you to let people fit into their schedule. I think it's a different budget option. I think it's great. But could you tell us a little bit about the specifics of transitioning to that like how is it getting keyed access? What's something like that costs, what's the management security and it's what kind of that I'd like to because I don't think we've ever talked about that with you directly. What is that transition like?

Tyler Reiter 08:59
So it was a it was something that we after COVID so that the second was with Minnesota where the second lockdown we didn't fucking lock down we turned like we put Christmas paper up on the ball windows and shit and you know had like a signup online but

Tyler 09:18
work was not playing that second lockout shit. Congratulations by the way because I've said this about what we have at gyms and lots of other places and I've said we've never this nonsense starts rolling around again now don't take this anymore like it can't if anyone starts smelling like this The answer is just no make them enforce and I'm glad you put your foot down somebody's got to lead from the front. Yeah, we

Tyler Reiter 09:38
there was no way so yeah, we had that happen but because of it you know also we had kind of a need because people it just became like the norm they can come in kind of whenever they want it. Right. And for me to like you know if I go coach off site at a high school or you know if I go out of town for a seminar, I just want to double Fucking being having that access to people is just, it was just, it was a no brainer. So what it is, is we do an app, it's called hybrid AF, I think they kind of came up after COVID. Because of this, this same thing. I want to say with the locksmithing, the whole system was set up, it was like two grand or 2500. And we pay monthly depending on how many users you have, currently. So what we did was with our open gym membership, it's part of it right. And now, let's say because it came in after the fact, I showed how many members we have, you know, to kind of cover the cost of like Russia, we kind of have to charge them something. But not everybody wanted it either. Right? So we just charge like, you know, an upsell, and it's like, 12 bucks, 10 bucks a month for them to use it. And so yeah, it's basically just an upsell. Or what we do is it's taught it's part of the open gym package. So okay,

Tyler 10:59
okay, so currently now to the open gym package, and then for everybody that then you're like, hey, if you want this, this is your that and that's I like that that's I think that's really solid, the implementation and transition from one to the other is always a, there's probably a million ways to do it. And if you didn't feel like you fucked up pretty bad. You did pretty good, because I didn't do anything like that. You're like, fuck, drop the ball on a few things. Well,

Tyler Reiter 11:28
another avenue, like, you know, life gets in the way, like, hey, Friday nights right now and packed with work or whatever the hell maybe, then they can get in the gym and they need to, there's two or like, someone's struggling in my care. Just give her the access for a month. Get your ass in here when you can. So

John Fairbanks 11:44
what did you have to account for knowing that folks are going to be there without any of your people there?

Tyler Reiter 11:51
That's a good question. So we actually had to, you know, everything had to be for insurance purposes, we had to drill stuff down, which can be a pain in the ass for events, you know, because our our our power wreck physical

John Fairbanks 12:03
equipment, drill it down. Yeah,

Tyler Reiter 12:05
it has nailed down like our bench presses, stuff like that. Obviously, some benches that can be moved, but like any bigger piece of equipment where it's like a risk of someone getting hurt. Again, a bench presses we think power rack, which you shouldn't have those things bolted down anyways.

Tyler 12:21
But a bench is often not even the big nice ones, usually like a guy who likes to reserve the right to move it out of the way if you need to, or rearrange. Right. Now they're there. Yeah, yeah. Any other considerations? Insurance was secure? What about security? Have you always had cameras and stuff like that?

Tyler Reiter 12:41
So there were some things we had to do. We did do security cameras, you know, found. I just asked a buddy who knew some guy who had a small business, we set it all up. It's an app on my phone. It was very inexpensive, actually, in the long run. What

Tyler 12:57
specific so you didn't use like, I know, there's so many options for this. So I don't want to like ask or whatever the fuck all the things I've used nest inside in my gym, because it's kind of, it's kind of easy, but to do something a little more official or professional. Yeah,

Tyler Reiter 13:10
we did. So it's literally like I have a big I don't know how many terabytes it does all recording. And it's an app on my phone. So the thing is, when they come in, there's a time stamp obviously right? Then I can use that and look at their time stamp on the security camera. In case something happened, obviously, never had anything. And then, you know, just for insurance purposes just to kind of save our ass right? And obviously I mean, I don't like watching it like a hawk. But like, Hey, man, like if you're someone who keeps giving a shit out, you're gonna hear about it because there's an eye in the sky. Sorry. And the whole thing was because of this though, I'm actually a little selective on open gym. I mean, if you're coming in and you are just you're gonna know that person who does dumb shit. You're not gonna be here to have some kind of training or you got to have some kind of background or you got to be alright, if I don't trust you leaving here and couldn't be a member. So

Tyler 14:09
yeah, and that starts that that's the thing that starts to open up. Right the the hang ups maybe of adding a 24 hour adding on tethered. The unsupervised access model is one of the reasons we like our gyms, right? Like you'd like your gym, it's your gym that maybe doesn't have all the negatives that come with a 24 hour commercial jet where there's consciousness of schmucks. You can do whatever they want there and now you're like, Fuck, I do have to open myself up to possibility and keep yourself safe. Yeah, that's that's

Tyler Reiter 14:43
something like we have one guy who is okay and also likes my industry listening, but then I, but then you start paying for programming. So it's also kind of a hook and the other way through. So just it's just having that delicate conversation like hey,

Tyler 15:01
So this also creates an alternative pathway into your business as well, where like, John, you can still hear me okay, right? Yep, tetherin Mine just so I'm not popping through time. So you can know now when somebody comes in and I don't know about all this stuff you guys are doing. I don't know if I fit in here. I don't know about all this. But I do like the gym is close to my place, I promise I'm not weird. This now gives a different way for someone to get in and get started, find out they like you, find out they like the vibe, generally, they liked the place, they liked the other people there. And then eventually, they're allowed to make their way into a coach product starting to buy programming and become an actual member of your community. And I think that that's the benefit that we talked about, like the YMCA throwing everything at the wall. The model does have value because different things attract different people. And there's so many people sitting out there in the world and your guys's market, every gym owners market that are just sitting out there going, I fucking tried Zumba, it was okay, or I tried Body Pump, it was okay I did there. Why YMCA cuando or whatever. And I hired one of their personal trainers and what happens is people, sometimes it's the people's fault that they fall off from a fitness opportunity. And sometimes the program just didn't work for them. But they're looking for a reason to get back on. And they're not always ready to try the same thing. How many people do you know that tried a CrossFit gym and tried it because they thought the group classes would be cool, and they've done it. And maybe they did it for a while and they got tired of it. The idea of them rejoining a CrossFit gym is actually probably pretty slim. And so they're looking for a different opportunity. And I like that you can fulfill a 24 hour or access only model is still what the general population thinks of when they think of gym. That's it, they think of a weight room that they can go in, and they're on your own, and you're totally on your own. And if you ask most of the people that are not participating in fitness right now. That's what they think of when they think of joining a gym. So it allows you to like, directly align with their expectations. And then they can learn that you do more, when maybe you sell them into something more right away, or they find their way eventually, I just think that for gyms that are trying to adapt, I still believe in the CrossFit model fucking rules, if you have a little bit more of equipment and a little bit more space, that's not class floor times floor space, that if I still had my like CrossFit affiliate would probably wouldn't be an affiliate. But 24 hour access would absolutely be something I would do. You can grow your membership base, you can convert people from there into personal training into your group classes, they can meet the people or they can just be in and give you money and get results on their own buying nutrition coaching, participating in challenges. It's still akin to your gym, not just like this brand, that's not yours, it still makes it your gym. And I think that's the beautiful thing about this. And I want to pivot now, because on this subject and go into now, some of the other brands that you've developed now within your gym, one of them specifically is in the sports performance side where you tell us about this transition you've kind of made and the other stuff you've added. Yeah, so

Tyler Reiter 18:18
What we did was a huge thing. From the beginning, when I was coaching student athletes, they would come in and this is an issue where they would be, you know, happening over here, and it's happening over here. They would have failure, they would look at that and be like this isn't duplicated, like just a bunch of Olympic lifters are and what the hell are these people doing over here? And, you know, from a branding standpoint, as far as websites are our website and everything like that, you go on there and just be like, you know, one page within a page, right? And it just didn't look legit, to me, like a crazy consumer standing out a bake off. This is just one thing they do, they don't do it. Well, that obviously was not the case. Because that's my background first and foremost. So what we did was we totally separated, separate websites separate. Actually, the business model is completely different. Like I put it, it's a business, it is a business within a business, right? And everything's run separately. So for memberships, insurance, everything, so we did that. And with some really good success, you know, and that the torque or the sports performance world's starting to get very saturated. You know, everyone's who played a sport now is some spiritedness or a speed fucking guru or whatever, because they were asked in college and what the hell they're doing. Most of them you asked him what a force factor is, they would, you know, fall on your face. So it's in there. There's really good stuff out there too. So it's hard for you know, a parent to look at something to make you know what's good, what's bad, right? And then obviously because we're a little more strength biased in the gym, with all the strongmen constantly with Joel Dirks are a little bit weightlifting comp powerlifting competitions, you know, it's on that spectrum of like sports performance and looks like we just live over here. And I knew it was a problem. And you know, for sport you need to be, right, you need to do these things with your athletic development. And I was actually up to the Swiss and Columbus. And, you know, I was looking at the list of people if we know, whatever to do, or to attend. And, you know, it was built for AEC talking about tensegrity and, you know, fascial tissue and all that, and I walk in and he's got the little bio tensegrity or the bio with a tensegrity play toy thing, right away, my, oh, this is my guy. And we're, you know, listening to his things, talking to him afterwards, he's like, Come out to Jersey, he went out there for a week and a half. Still got all assignments, I just got back from one in, in New Jersey, again, for fascial is performed better fascial Summit. So like, Bobby Trump was there, she struck the Giants performance team, so it just opened up this opportunity, you know, coaching underneath him or like having that affiliate that that program opened up these doors to all these really, really big Cooktown coaches. And you know, it's just it's, it's, it's invaluable and it's one of the things like it didn't change anything at all. You know, it's something where we can put that marker on our door. And you know, it's it's, it's literally like it's

Tyler 21:47
coaches better as well into this seems like a framework where if you had to bring up a new coach now, you don't need to have them like you don't got a fucking brain transplant everything you've got into them, you can kind of go I'm guessing that this has a system with which a new coach can learn within that as well. So it's not just a brand to me there's an educational structure

Tyler Reiter 22:09
Yeah, and that's a huge thing is he you know, there's a whole online like university and it spans all the way you know, the American Professional Football Association, all these things. So it's really just a continuing education network, right? In between you know, with the preceding it's you have to do the certification for the speed and all that through them and that's what we did and that's what I did. And it you know, it's like anything you can't go into something they even added a lot of good a lot more layers to our training obviously it changed things and without again, I just wanted that you know, I think having that speed school name kind of helps people realize like hey, we don't just do all just weights right? I'm not have kids max out back squats who are hockey players, right? This is another layer or program to the gym, for sure.

John Fairbanks 23:07
Now when you said it didn't change anything, you also said that phrase Yeah, so

Tyler Reiter 23:12
It's not wrong. Like it added a lot of stuff to our programming, but I guess it was stuff we were already doing but adding more layers to our programming. And it's I guess I don't I it's not like it's not like I'm answering to the man or something like with CrossFit. Yeah, not like or like some other affiliate like I can't have this kind of equipment in my gym like I don't know when Anytime Fitness or some shit. So it was really just an addition to something we already did. But having you know that network is

John Fairbanks 23:43
the big thing we shit on a ton we shit on a ton are people that do get to up their own ass about certifications or about the networks that they're a part of thinking that we as coaches will nerd out and be excited about these different modalities or the different systems where the 16 year old kid doesn't fucking know anything is the reason why every wide receiver that I've ever played with is now a speed and agility coach in Florida and they're running kids at a track and now that's what they do but there is no network there and but the reality is the average consumer knows fuck all that is done well you look fast. And the reality is you guys look strong. So I do like the idea where it's like we knew this was a gap we wanted to go get educated but not to be like we're now smart because we have these certifications like no no now we feel confident with stuff we already do. And now we can kind of almost have that educational system so

Tyler 24:40
you guys don't I suppose it shores up your coaching philosophy and you're the right strategy with which these athletes will be coached is now like just really backed and really solid right? And that whether you're learning your new coaches are learning and they're putting new things in, the real thing sounds like a trust play to me which is also important. This is the same exact reason I did this, you did this when I opened a CrossFit affiliate, that was a trust play and a branding play that people knew CrossFit that people were going to come in wanting CrossFit. Perfect. You've heard of it, because he ain't never fucking heard of me. And so, and that works until you spend too I spent too much time and you probably did to doing things differently having to answer for the things that you do differently, or it's like, I don't fucking answered any people. And then even further that you end up spending a lot of your sales inquiry time conversations, like diffusing the bad notions about it. So as long as the trust in the brand and the public perception is solid, how do you kind of can't go wrong, giving something like this a chance. Now I also like what you did if you built separate social media stuff for this, which is for specifically the Percy St. Paul Freezy. will discuss Parvizi sport performance. Is that how it's

Tyler Reiter 25:59
spiraling? US per se? What's that? Racing Speed School,

Tyler 26:05
greasy speed school, but as St. Paul is what it's like, correct. Okay. And let's see it. So what happened was that stuff starts coming across my Instagram feed, because we're homies, and so it just starts showing up on my suggested thing. And I'm like, Oh, what is this? And I was like, I know that fucking gym. And I'm like, this is not this. And so my first thought was, I was like, oh, shit to Tyler move did something that was like, and that's when I put it together. I was like, oh, okay, so I figured kind of out that it's a, it's a program that you're running within. And now this has external trusts, external education, angles, and lots of things to this. But I think for coaches out there, gym owners, specifically as your own programs, if listen, if you're not going to take a jump like this and build a, you know, attach yourself to another thing that maybe you don't know, or maybe you can't afford, maybe don't have the time, whatever it is, that if you are doing something different, that's very different from your thing. And people only know you for your one thing, maybe it is important to build some brand separation. And that's it, that's the thing for me, if I'm going to have a gym, that's a CrossFit affiliate, or let's say, if I gotta do this 24 hour gym, a true global gym, which is where I work out most of the time. Now. That's the case, and I'm going to have a youth program, and it's going to be like a camp and wherever there's going to be, that's probably going to need its own branding completely, because you're not going to think that out of a 24 hour chain, Joe, you're just not going to think that it counts, you're not going to think it's valid. And this is why I think your programs, they're not maybe don't always need their separate Instagram page, but they may begin with the very least they kind of do need their own branding or need to be branded. And otherwise, it's just like an also ran. It's like you're talking about your bathrooms. You're like yeah, and then they're there. And I think that doing that now puts you in a position where if you have to launch another program, you can talk about that program very specifically. And then that will catch the interest of someone who's interested in doing that type of business. Otherwise, if you're trying to sell something that people just don't believe, you're going to do it if you were trying to sell it. I can Parisi speed school out of your grocery store at some fucking crazy. If Kroger's is listing this on the thing, it just wouldn't make sense. But that type of disconnect happens a lot when people are trying to sell almost any specialty program, any cap any offseason. Thing is, it feels like this thing that we kind of do. And you making the commitment to like fully branded separately, literally its own social media page, we're making separate content for it. Very specifically, it's effort, which is important. It's an extra burden of content. But now that that checks that box, I think really really really well because that is going to attract and not confuse. And it seems like now when you see that page because you're looking for sports performance truly, everything you see on that looks like you need it to look versus the biggest thing I see is group fitness gyms, functional fitness gyms, CrossFit affiliates try to do a kid's they try to do probably what you're doing. They may have very capable coaches too, that can run an all summer camp thing like this for slitter there's very capable coaches in these gyms that can do this. And probably are doing similar things to it. But instead they're calling it what are they calling it Tyler? CrossFit Kids Fit kids and it fucking sucks and it obviously looks like something you are just kind of doing to corner the kids market or snag some children out of the fucking you know, the the people who are the old adults who are already doing business with you. And I think that that's fucking lazy and those people, what do they do when they're going to launch a summer program? They post twice and they get what they get. And then that's it and it's totally no effort and it's very transparent then when people are trying to do business with them like, this isn't fucking serious training is what it looks like and you've made I'm very sure that you're not doing

Tyler Reiter 30:01
it. And people forget most parents were probably ex athletes, and got us all the parents and if I saw CrossFit and you Yeah, it's like you said, committing to that brand. And having the buy in right away. It's just been so much better, rather than trying to sell them on, you know, why we do the things we do they just see that like, oh, yeah, let's do this. Like, don't question anymore. Which helps a lot, obviously. And honestly, it's been one of those things where we've, we've done this, it's almost been backwards. You know, like most big global gyms tried to add programs, we were programs now adding, like open gym, had these other facets of programming. So now it's kind of gearing up to help us in the future to where now you know, I'm, I'm actually almost at a hindrance of getting more business and certain things for our teams and everything because we don't have a space. Right. So that's kind of the next move, we're looking at, you know, finding some land and building and making some not some big Mecca, Globo gym, but something bigger, it's where, you know, we can do more with the programs that we already do. That's why I'm kind of pushing the open gym thing right now. Because eventually when we do this, that's something that we need more clients for that we do well now, but, but we need more space for it, right. And even at my gym, it's small, we make it, we use every inch of that place. But we could do so much more with a different facility. So that's kind of the next move there. Now,

John Fairbanks 31:44
Most gym owners are dying, running one gym with one kind of thing. How is it possible that you have four high functioning things? Essentially, three or four high functioning things within your gym? And you're the only guy like? Is it because of the support staff or is it because of the people that you have to make all of these different angles and directions possible? Or just we need to figure out how to clone you.

Tyler Reiter 32:14
Probably a bit of both. Yeah, that's something where people won't be able to build a gym. And I'm like, I don't have another Tyler. Not to sound narcissistic. But at the same time, it's like, very, and

Tyler 32:24
There can be only one. One of us is leaving this podcast.

Tyler Reiter 32:34
But no, but honestly, like, we've been doing it for so long to where it's where now we have a really good staff, like amazing staff, and they're gonna be with me a long time. We were 10 years plus now and someone's been with me for nine, nine years. And so they just kind of the systems in how we coach everything's kind of already built in. Right? It took a long time to do that. But also, it's the same thing with a membership. So we get new people. It's kind of like, count What's that Michael Bay movie where the people were like, obviously being grown. They came in that kind of was stupid when I got here.

Tyler 33:12
Island? Yes. Got it.

Tyler Reiter 33:15
We get new members walking around until, you know, the veterans are kind of like come over here I got you. Kind of it's just in the culture to where everything we know how to like progress them progress them. So it's just, it's pretty seamless now. And they pick up a lot quicker, because rather than we don't do like the intro classes separately, we throw right in the mix. But obviously, there's a lot of regression done. But they seem to look like the student athletes, adults, everyone, they learn a lot quicker that way. So I think that's a big part of it. But obviously, too with that many programs, I spent a lot of time programming, like a lot, a lot more than probably most coaches. So it's an I do like real needs analysis on things. What should we do with this, this, this. And that's where it gets tricky with the sports performance because I have, you know, multiple workouts a day for those kids, depending on whether athletic development set, you know, we're just kind of done by age, but as far as breaking things down, but as well as that's what I do an eval to see what they need, what they don't need, right? What are their strengths or weaknesses? What are the deficiencies? So might be one day one kids doing like a very basic strength, the Sega 30, nearly a basic strength program where the next kid is doing like MDS work. The next kid is doing linear within that program, you know, it's still a template. And I know what they need to be on the eval or how they're feeling that day or you know, there's so many variables, do they have a game tomorrow? Those are practices. All these kids do sports all year round. So like are they skating today? So that kind of tells you which way I should kind of guide them on their programming, it's a lot on the back end, but the results and you know, you're there for the client or your athlete. That's just how it should be. That's why I look at it. Rather than doing like, you're gonna walk into the same workout as everybody today. Right? In our, you know, our general population stuff, it's like that. But we still adjust things right? Both student athletes with how they came there for sports performance data ship gets really messy, but it's just something we just do. So it gets a little convoluted at times and gets tricky, but if we make it

Tyler 35:37
work, if it was easy, everyone would do it that way. That's why I think a lot of like, turn key let's just let's get them. Selling is how we eat right? And I think a lot of gyms and fulfillment is the thing we're always supposed to be doing right? But I think a lot of gyms will sell and sell and sell somebody in and then give no thought to the fulfillment, right? And on the other side where I think gyms fuck up, is they give all their thought to the fulfillment and then they don't really sell that well they don't put much effort into that or they like almost overthink the fulfillment side of things and make it too complicated and too laborious to where nobody's fucking all that interested in it and so there's there's a balance between making your program worth doing valuable done right done the way you want it and also knowing that like I'm gonna fucking body's in here. It's got to work and I think that I think you're doing a good job walking that line man so well thanks for joining us today. Follow Tyler drop all drop all the socials where people don't want to follow your gym follow the programs give us

Tyler Reiter 36:41
so torque SC is our gym to work on just on Instagram. And then it's St. Paul Parisi speed school for our sports performance. And then my personal is just Ryder 63 torque SC I think something like that you'll find when

Tyler 36:59
He was in Tooele concert photos, so yeah. Awesome, brother. Well, hey, it's always a pleasure, Sandia, thanks for joining us again, look forward to doing this again and catching up again, as the gym continues to evolve, I really want to see, especially when you get moving on possibly another location, I would love to get a before, during and after of that process podcast with you because I think the reality of being in the trenches in a situation like that and knowing what your opportunities are, what your liabilities are, the headaches, the hang ups and seeing that in real time. I think it'd be really fucking cool because I do believe for most gym owners out there if you're not making a play for the real estate that you're in, or making sure that that's under something that's now under your own fucking business's umbrella that it starts to be very very difficult to build something that's really going to last or that you can help another generation under underneath here so I think it's very important for us to transcend our rent a little bit

Tyler Reiter 37:58
and that's exactly what we're doing that's how I'm gonna actually retire not

Tyler 38:03
the only way it's the only way but so

Tyler Reiter 38:06
so exploit I'm gonna make it happen I don't give a shit house so good.

Tyler 38:09
Well, I'm looking forward to seeing ya we'll make sure that we bring that in on the podcast thanks again man. Always a pleasure and everybody listens. Philip John at J banks NFL Instagram, follow me at Tyler Elphinstone this Tyler eff ironstone full show at the gym owners podcast on Instagram and go to gym owners If you want us to help you with your gym directly, there's also the gym owners revolution Facebook group that link should be in our description. Thanks for listening, everybody. We'll see you next week. Thanks

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