Monday, August 05, 2024
gym, program, crossfit, marketing, people, type, talk, fitness, big, sell, coaches, weeks, women, important, posts, year, directed, specific
Tyler 00:00
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to this week's episode of the gym owners podcast. I'm your host, Tyler Stoner. There's John Fairbanks. How's it going, John?
John Fairbanks 00:06
It's going fabulous.
Tyler 00:08
Before we dive into today's episode, make sure you follow the show at the gym owners podcast on Instagram, go to gym owners and go to the link in the show notes for the gym owners revolution Facebook group want to work with us directly go to gym owners or send us a DM on Instagram at Tyler effing stone. That's Tyler eff ironstone and you John.
John Fairbanks 00:28
But on Instagram at J banks f L.
Tyler 00:33
All right. Today we're gonna talk a little bit about being specific in your marketing, being specific about the programs that you're creating, and the way that you're selling things. We've touched on this in regards to specific training goals, right, like, you know, bulking up slimming down versus strength program versus you know, just the types of things that you're doing designing selling within your gym, the fitness journey that you're crafting, for some people, when you launch a new program, product offering whatever that is. There's another factor I think to take into play that some of us miss when we talk about getting leaner, getting bigger, or powerlifting, or endurance, any of the stuff, we kind of miss out on the most basic kind of like, structure in the human psychology, which is like male and female, I think right? I think it's very important. When I start to see a lot, I know that a lot of men are going to not connect immediately with a program that is just general for the general population, men and women of all ages. And my age, or at least with my particular training, makeup. It's not that appealing to me, because I feel like I'm not all of everybody. And I think the same thing applies to women. I think the same thing goes for when women are sorry, my camera's frozen, but get to that, okay, the same thing goes for females, because when females are looking into a program where they come into a gym, where they're looking to start a new training methodology, they want to feel represented either in your marketing or at least in your the consideration that you give for their specific needs, when you're talking about getting them started, and all that stuff. So that's a concept that I think is really important for us to hang on to because you can also just look for representing these people more thoroughly in the marketing. Also, I think it's okay to start to craft specific programs. I'll reset my camera here, but we'll get to, we'll get to what those are John, go ahead.
John Fairbanks 02:30
For me, it's a thing when it comes down to the marketing and when it comes down to like the people that you're wanting to be able to attract, there is a lot of conversation, if there's any conversation at all, if you're thinking about it, or have thought about it at all, like how you want to be seen or perceived by people that are in your community. A lot of times it will, it stops, like at your marketing, like once you get people in, and there is that. And the biggest reason why is if you're in the game long enough, you become responsible for more and more things as a gym owner. Like if you get big enough, you get staff, you start doing enough things you probably went from a solopreneur doing this on your own to now you've got people and now you're thinking about your social media accounts. Now you're thinking about your Google accounts. Now you're thinking about email, you're thinking about all this other shit, and you just don't have enough time in the day for them. Maybe you used to program, maybe you're doing that all before? That's probably what you would say today? Like, how common is it at the stage where as a gym owner, you give up doing the programming, maybe from the very beginning as designed where you're just gonna buy that programming that is a done for you proposition, just that monthly subscription, where you don't have to worry about what today's WOD is going to be? Or what things are gramming is
Tyler 03:48
gonna be for gyms that are successful, that I mean, it's gotta be one of the early steps because it's silly, laborious. And by the way, the gym owner, I don't know, should always be that hands on. You know, I just don't. Yeah, I agree that that stuff should be should be farmed out probably pretty quickly
John Fairbanks 04:02
in the process. Well, at some point, too controlling
Tyler 04:05
too possessive over those things that think they're so awesome are the ones that hang on to that for too long. They don't understand that like most fitness works for most people. And then it's a matter of just what direction you're going to point your particular brand at.
John Fairbanks 04:19
And so what happens is if you outsource that, I think what happens is you outsource the literal doing but you also outsource thinking about it as well. And I think that that's where the mistake lies. You can outsource the literal doing where someone that gives you a nice clean package is done. But the idea that you don't Ross right you don't rebel, you do not try and then tweak it or make some type of an addition or some type of alteration to truly make it your own. That's where I think that is what has to happen. I think that then falls in line with what we're talking about here which is the idea of like, who are your people? Is this for you? You're Are these for checks is this for dudes are these for kids is this for fill in the blank, because you can kind of take anything that gives you a foundational start and just make just a few tweaks. And now you have something that is more customized and feels more appropriate for the population you're wanting to help. And
Tyler 05:16
I think there's a big difference between, think delegation can vary turned can very quickly turn into an out of sight, out of mind. problem, it's not on my desk type shit. And I think that that's a big trap that people need to look out for falling into. Because while you do, it's just like, you know, handing off your classes or some personal training. So some of your staff, you still need to be checking in on how that's going. The quality control of all of this, the buck does stop with you, you know, unless you have a general manager whose job it is to, to take care of all of that stuff, then the buck stops with them. And then you'd still need to be responsible for it, you still need to check in with them on how it's going, the quality, the quality of the work that you're delegating out I think is critical. Now, specifically who that's directed at. I think that is a secondary, but nearly primary importance as well. Now, the baseline, like John just said, the baseline of some of the stuff that you're doing can be a starting point. I'll give you a really good example. Started with the weight loss, nutrition and workout program thing that I've been launching digitally for a while now. But it just works really well. So it's but it's built for dads directly to dudes very masculine branding, the conversation that I'm having in the dialogue in the marketing is something that I understand because of a 40 year old dude. And that I've been where they are. So it's like, Hey, listen, guys, you got kids, your kids need to look up to you. And then you get into the the funnier stuff, which is don't be a fucking was what you can't just grill food, you can't just eat meat what you know. So that whole thing is very directed at men. That was why I wanted to make that program. By the way, if I make that program for men and women, and then I announce it, just like at the exact same time with the same vigor and effort and consistency in marketing that I did before. Do you think I sell more or less? Absolutely less, what? old way, way, way, way, way less, even though it's the same program, even though the messaging would have been could have been more generalized. Because the program does not sound like it's fit, could direct custom fit for this specific type of person. It's going to turn that type of person off.
John Fairbanks 07:31
Anything that's marketed, everyone is marketed and no one exactly.
Tyler 07:34
And I think that's a big problem, that maybe we create a little bit of a paradox in thinking of John when we talk like this, but it's the reality. Because the lifetime fitness journey is there, there are many different things that many different people can do and your gym, I think we hope for gyms, the gyms that are going to be around for a long time need to be able to kind of cover a lot of ground in that a lot of different people, a lot of different types of fitness, not everything, but you need to cover some ground need to cover while people's, when people's interest in fitness expands, you need to have a place for them. Right until you don't. But in that, again, specificity is still king, I think and that's very important. So while we say things like that, your gym has to have more offerings, or else they're gonna find their next thing somewhere else. It is okay, if you're the gym that is just extreme lifting crazy, sweaty dudes dirty floors. You know, that's, that's totally fine. But no, you're not going to cover a ton of space in someone's lifetime fitness journey. If you're going to have somebody for 10 years, that's going to be the singular type of training that they're probably going to be interested in.
John Fairbanks 08:40
We've done the same thing though. You and I like a positioning where it's like, do we know the types of people that we want to work with that are personal trainers, coaches and gym owners? Like we quickly identified Oh, people that are further down the path that are looking to be able to make just one micro like micro tweak that will then make them X amount of money? We're like, oh, yeah, so like, fuck those guys, because that's not interesting at all.
Tyler 09:09
Or you want to just plug something new into your gym and then get 100 more leads a month. Great. That's not fucking real. And we're not interested in doing that. And if you're interested in that, you're fucking sucker. I feel like you have a lot more problems than we can help. So I agree.
John Fairbanks 09:23
It's a we very much made that same decision where it's like, no, no, we know yeah, there's gonna be certain people we're just not going to fit and we want to be able to fit with people that are they, you know, they're getting everything off the ground and they're ready to turn right that that that passion into a profession we're starting that like kind of getting your engine's fucking running and getting and going to go and that's the same idea where in your gym, you can make that decision of whatever you want to be and you can own that, but you just can't We can't you and I can't go like why the fuck aren't we getting more people that just want to be able to have an ad service? That's then tied to 30 leads in 30 days, it's like no, because that's not what we're, we're not going to ever complain about it. Because we know and that's where maybe if you haven't done the thought exercise within your own business, it may be confusing, why aren't I getting more, and then fill in the blank. And
Tyler 10:15
By the way, that may be okay. But that's all exercise, I think is important. Because when I would go down that it's like, Man, I'm not getting any women. Well, Tyler, you're a three man kind of talks like an asshole a lot. As you know what I mean, it's just it's not it's not the most feminine marketing is the things that I say and the things that I do, it just doesn't connect, but I can break down pretty damn hard. So I can talk pretty hard. So it's just that it does work. So in this program that I built, it's directed very specifically, at men. This camera thinks and makes me nuts. I'm just going to disregard it. The video may not be great for this one, guys, I'm sorry. But for this program here, it was launched for men and was very successful for men. I was glad that I did it that way. But then I stripped it down to just nutrition only. Because again, we're having a hard time connecting with guys that were just not ready to work out. Guys, guys reach out, like, they just don't believe that they can make it to the gym 334 times a week for five weeks. Yeah, and I get it from a person that starting at zero, like making one or two, implementing a couple changes that get them some more met some momentum is important. I don't believe that they're going to be able to just show up to the gym constantly. So when I was starting to do this new program started to look okay, well, what would I do differently? To make it so that these guys didn't have to go to the gym. So I just pulled the workouts out of it, I pulled some of the food quantity down and pulled some of the carbs down just a little bit. And I made that pretty much all it did. And I made one announcement and sold the hell out of it. tons of guys were stoked to buy it, I probably could sell it for the same amount as with the workouts to be honest with it for the same amount of money I didn't. But I think that that is that is again that that narrowed the target, the target area narrowed up even more it went from men, basically above a certain body weights, you know, above a certain age, then it got boiled down to you know, now that type of guy who's actually so far back in their fitness journey they can imagine starting to work out, but they do want to do something, and then pull out it's very, very easy to connect. And people really, really liked that and the guys really wanted it. But then we started looking and I would occasionally get it because my marketing, every once in a while was General, I get a woman who had asked or a husband who had asked his wife was interested. And I thought, well, there's some interest in this, but that's not going to be from me. You know what I mean? It's not going to be. I don't want to make that I don't want to coach so that I understand the male psyche a lot better than I do. The female psyche, and I'm absolutely okay with that. And in regards to weight loss, I'm very familiar with the way that men operate. Let's shoot this pause quickly, John. Okay, we're back. So the program goes out to males. And then I started getting some interest from females potentially looking for some weight loss and least ready to ask about whether I have a program for ladies. And they would ask that specifically because my program is fortunately branded very thoroughly for events. So that is actually a good sign. It means I was marketing it very directly at the mark at the target demographic. So the other people were like, well, this isn't for me, but I want something like this. And when you start getting questions like that, I go, Okay. Well, fortunately, my wife does this type of stuff. But she doesn't have a package program template like this, she doesn't have something. She knows what she would want to do. And she's done nutrition coaching kind of one on one for people and clients. But it's not systemized, it's not systemized in a way that can be easy to send out and, you know, easy to fulfill on where the process is there from everything I had already built that framework, like we talked about was download this app to check in just those little basics all being done covers a lot of the thinking structure. This is the you know, it's the version of already having your building and your schedule and your electricity fucking turned on in your gym like this program was already pretty much ready to go. Just the things that it said needed to be tweaked in the quantities needed to be directed towards females. So we did that. She just made one little announcement and sold eight of them right away. Okay. Well, fuck I guess I gotta make this thing. And so we really had week one done as like a test to be like, Okay, how does this read compared to the other one? And that was it. So we put that one out and we've just been re-skinning it just by applying the exact same changes week two, week three and on and it's nearly over and tons and tons of success or clients are very happy. I'm watching her do the dialogue back and forth and answering the questions or getting feedback and it is very different. It's much better that she is doing this then because it is just it's really interesting women are still about checking in, they're stoked to buy back. By the way, if you send this, I don't know, this isn't gonna sound sexist or anything. It's just this is my observation in this narrow thing. But you're like, I'll send my guys like a page of writing about your bulleted list of here's some tips points of emphasis John, you've seen the program. Here's what we're looking for. Don't do this. This is a little bit of teaching a little bit of expectations. Each week goes out along with the here's what we're eating. Here's what we're not eating in the quantities. And I know my guys go scan over it like fucking rain, man absorb way, none of the information, and then just kind of fucking winging it. Right, exactly what I would do is how I read instructions on everything I put together at home. Right instructions are just another man's opinion. And I think that's how a lot of guys take this program. I've had a lot of guys be very successful. But I know they're not like, meticulously reading this and can't wait to go. But what the women do is most of them do a great job of, they'll start tracking, I don't have my guys track, like literally log their food into an app and send it to me, I don't I don't do that. She offered that as something like if you want to do this, you can track where your shit and send it to me each day. That'd be sweet too. In addition to their normal check-ins, most of the women are stoked about Oh, my God, you give a man another task he's out. You give a female like some more stuff to think about and some think about and some more processes and, and a checklist and stuff like that, like I don't know, they seem to be really fired up about it. So they're stoked about the details. They're stoked for the little challengers. Those little tweaks that Megan did add to the program to make it more feminine directed. Really, really does shine. And so I'm watching them be very excited, get very good results. And I'm watching her be able to really coach tons of back and forth on their check ins. My guys are like, here's what I weighed this morning. I find out okay, that's that's cool. As long as you're on track, we're good to go. But it isn't, it is different in the psychology and the way that they execute these things even though in theory, right, the principles of weight loss should all be the same. Mostly, but I think that weight loss is psychological. I think fitness is a . There's a huge mental health component to fitness, wellness, nutrition, all of this stuff. So I think that when dealing with a person's psychology, what's the word? predispositions baggage tremely important and knowing and people who can identify early on in a program's marketing or the way it's directed, or who is actually promoting this program. People that identify like this really check all the boxes are what I want. That's perfect, because a big huge dude talking to a bunch of chicks about weight loss. Is it just not really gonna work? Listen, ladies, here's the thing I'd like to see if you're gonna check in every day. Like it really does. It's gonna sound like me telling them what to do versus if Megan's gonna do it. It's bubbly. And here we go, girls, let's do this together. And I'm like, Alright, dorks. You know, you sent me your shit. And if you don't, I'm gonna be pissed. And if you don't, that's usually a pretty good sign that you're failing and it just doesn't work the other way around.
John Fairbanks 18:13
But it was. And what's interesting for me is I'm applying it to teen athletes. Yep. And primarily boys, right, like young men. So what's interesting is being able to compare notes of the program that's built for dads right dudes over 40. But then seeing like, oh, this psychosis, right? Whatever the baggage is that you are getting formed when they're 13 and 14 and 15 years old, because I see, like similar questions similar babblings are similar. It's not not even a question, because we're talking about teen males, which ask no questions at all and give you no feedback whatsoever. Right. But their excuses are identical to the same excuses that to the dads like it is always like, Oh, this is why those excuses that we all know that hear we hear people make by the time they're 40 you realize that they've been using that excuse since they were 13 years old for why they haven't been able to do shit.
Tyler 19:13
Yeah, so I think I guess what we're getting at here is like you can take the things that you do well and direct them in a more specific audience and try them . I think that's the real gist of I guess what we're kind of getting at today. And I do believe very wholeheartedly that like gender, the differences or whatever between men and women are like it's actually a thing that can really help you with your products if you're in your gym and you want to launch a nutrition program. Have I don't care how March be fucking women what I don't know what do we have for you can have like you can launch a women's weight loss challenge you can launch a strong girls strong women's strong bodies program if you want To do this, you can have a, we've had gyms that do a women's only class no either way, that's a great opportunity to have an intro class for what to have it be someone's day one, if they're a female want to join the gym as a whole. So there's a lot of things you can do to make things more welcoming for people that feeling well on welcome is a concern, or simply more, I can make them seem more customized for a person who feels like maybe they're trying to train differently than everybody else in the world, or at least, that they're not training the same as everyone in your facility. So you'll have people in a CrossFit gym or functional fitness space who want to get stronger because that's the stuff they like, you're gonna have people who want to become better at endurance or want to get better. You're also going to have people that want to get better at the gymnastic stuff this is to simplify this guy's what happened once CrossFit became about the time CrossFit peaked in popularity, what had happened in the two years prior to that, all of the little things that go on in the CrossFit training methodology, because all of a sudden, there's now note ins and millions and millions of people drinking the Kool Aid sucking on the teeth. Right, that now what do you see, CrossFit gets into sports specific training, they started, they literally launched CrossFit HQ has the CrossFit football or CrossFit performance, God, I forgot about that they have the which by the way, wasn't bad when they say CrossFit, it really wasn't bad. It was literally just teaching these CrossFit people like, here's how you need to actually teach squatting. And here's how you do this stuff, instead of just doing net cons and bullshit. And yeah, and I don't think Wellborn in the power athlete crew did a pretty good job of it. But the brand was fucking stupid, in my opinion, CrossFit football or like a stop, stop, stop, stop. But they did, then it was CrossFit Endurance. And then there was CrossFit gymnastics, and there were all of these little certs, there's a CrossFit powerlifting cert. But what that actually gave you when they were giving you those add on certifications, was actually empowering you not to change your CrossFit classes to make you better at that, but to actually launch a better program for those people. And I think that's actually a piece that a lot of people missed as they go like, okay, cool, I'm gonna take the fucking CrossFit runners course. And then they come back and they just like, still run a 5k once a year in their gym, or you know what I'm saying like they don't ever run anything more than a mile, but at Murph. And so instead of actually taking that thing and saying, this is specific enough for you to be interested, when you're coming out of this pool of everything that somebody else would be to, and it gives you a way to get people either into your gym from outside, just to go, I didn't know they did actual strength power training, I thought it was all just kipping pull ups and dumb shit. Or it can take your people who are stuck doing all this stuff in your gym, and they can narrow, narrow up their focus to the things that they like the most. So specificity is really important in whether it's in gender, whether it's in mood, whether it's in goals, or just the type of training that somebody wants to do, I think it's very important to factor that in. And if you're looking for a direction to move, don't, I don't want to say this, because I haven't maybe thought it through. But if you're looking to make a move to do something new or something a little bit different, I don't know that opening up a new thing for everybody. Or trying to clot, everybody is worth your effort. I do think if you're looking for something, maybe you're stuck asking around, there might be just one thing that will move the needle for one specific group of people. And I think then you have the ball rolling for something that it can be another pillar in your gym for a long time. And the way
John Fairbanks 23:35
I would bring this into, like some actionable steps that you could do in your spot is just look around, right? Take an assessment, even if it's just mentally of what are the different types and this is that like that customer avatar type bullshit, but this kind of stuff does get relatively important, which is simplify it to regular layman like human speed, which is what are the types of people that are in your gym? Like, just take an assessment of it. Take a look, get an idea, think about and I oftentimes like to think about doing this with your top paying people, like who are the people who pop, you know, your top 10% whoever's paying you the most money, who are they? What types of people are they? Are they stay at home moms? Are they entrepreneurs, are they doctors, lawyers, whatever it is, right? whatever that happens to be whoever is paying you the most money and categorize them, like lump them into groups. And if you lump them into groups, because this is one of the ideas where we've seen mistakes where a gym wants to go after a an untapped population of people in their community that they haven't fucked with before. And we've seen CrossFit giant gyms that want to do a running club because they just think that might be like it's you don't have anyone that wants to actually do this in your spot. And that makes it very, very hard. Like you have to at least start where who's actually here. And once you can establish who I am, that's here. And do I like those people if I have a bunch of fucking dicks that are here, and they're all douchebags, it's like, we need to root these motherfuckers out, so that it's equally important. But once you do that thought exercise you get Alright, I got three or four different types of people. And this cup brings it all the way back to what we've been talking about it for me, it's then it's, then you want to start thinking about when it comes to your marketing and advertising because everything is going to come off of that. It's now thought of as in seasons. It's going to be stay at home mom season, it's going to be early mom season, it's going to be whatever you want to think I don't know why moms are the ones that are stuck in my head. But it's like it's going to be whatever it is, whatever you're different types of people, you dedicate six to 12 weeks, where you just go get them and you get it where it's your marketing, it's your advertising. It's if you want to come up with an intro, Intro type class or beginning on ramping type thing or even just an event like an activity that's really dedicated to targeting just that particular population. This is not turning your gym into fuckin we're now only an Olympic weightlifters now. But you are going to hit them really hard, where you have your general shit that may always go out. But you're really going to only talk to that group. Because then like magic, the leads that you get will be people that are specifically connecting to that lead and then they're coming in. You're looking to hire people. Like it's important if you're going to hire people, if you're hiring new coaches or you continue to grow this stable or bullpen of part time coaches and personal trainers and people it's do their interests align with my different types of people I already have because now your ability to take somebody coming into your business not want to be a moocher. But they want to pick something up and run with it because then they show up and they're like, Well, fuck all of these people like connect to the thing that I kind of already did. I like doing team specific or sports specific training. Well, God damn, I got all these people that are interested in this same thing. It almost empowers them to like you are pitching a meatball right down the middle. Like
Tyler 27:15
do you want a lot of like functional fitness gyms struggle to sell, like offseason performance stuff, high school students, because all they're selling is fucking CrossFit on their marketing. They don't. It's not built as though it's a different program. It's not built as though we're actually doing strength training. What here's what this is, here's what this isn't all they see when coaches go and they look at your marketing. If you're not making your while you may have clients by the way who are high school students who are high school athletes who want to maybe work with you directly or privately or in small groups or one on one or whatever. And their coaches, I've been there their coaches are like no, you can't go to that CrossFit gym you got to come live with us. It's why would you just go there and do that, which I get because the coach doesn't know that it is any different from Body Pump or F 45 or, or any of these other things he's like, that's a different type of thing. That's not what you need to be doing. And I think that when they look at your marketing, they go Alright, well, you got a bunch of moms and then you got some general population and you got people doing things like bad technique and they're just jumping rope and why are they snatching time? Why did that why is this guy trying to do 50 deadlifts in 60 seconds like what the fuck is any of this? It looks stupid and it looks stupid and it looks dangerous. So no wonder these coaches go well this doesn't seem like performance coaching this doesn't seem like just gritty real strength training. It seems like some trendy bullshit and it's important to make sure that you're you're trying to get out and you don't have to but if you're if you're wondering why you're not getting you're not attracting people to your youth offseason program in your teens offseason sports program that's probably why because you don't tell them what you're actually doing. They go ah, youth offseason, blah blah blah. But then when they look at that's all you're saying. Then when they look at your brand, your brand is that's again, that's like me going. Women's compassion women's will compassionate women's weight loss by Tyler stone. Here's my program and then the people look through my shit. They're like this guy's loudmouth dickhead we can't afford I mean, he costs that doesn't seem like that's the thing that he's really doing. And they're exactly right. Like I'm not the compassionate, considerate slowburn kind of guy when it comes to the lies you're telling me about what you're eating and what you're not. Don't fucking care. So, hey, I can't be the no nonsense I take no bullshit from you and no excuses from you guys. Well then trying to pitch my No Let's work on this together. It's going to be just me and you and your feelings. And I'm going to I'm going to validate your emotions before I tell you that it's fucking stupid. The two bowls of cereal before bed. I'm going to make sure that validates your feelings about why you needed to do that. And then we're going to move on like nobody's gonna expect that from me regardless of what I say when I'm trying to sell that one program. So I think it's important that you make sure that your overall stuff checks all of those boxes. Or at least when you get into promoting one program that is very different from the other stuff you do. You're going to need to be thorough about what it is and what it is. And you're going to need to market it a lot more than one post which we got to talk about that guys. This is still the fucking the biggest cancer I see. In fucking fitness is these gyms that are like, they'll make one post about one thing, and then they crawl back in their fucking hole for a month. And then the rest is general nothing, there's no ask, there's no, there's no nothing, you gotta be pretty noisy about who you are, what you are, what you do the things you're trying to sell who it's for, and you're going to have to be beaten that shit up constantly. Because you're not here to entertain, via your marketing. You're here to fucking sell you're here to be a professional, and director shit, back it up, tell them who it's for, tell them what you're going to do. Tell them about yourself, or who's going to be fulfilling it and why you're the person they should go to and not the fucking other people blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, you got to do all those things. Instead, people go there just like sticking a sign out in your yard? Like, does that really move the needle? If I stick a Trump sign or a Biden sign out in my yard? How many votes do you think that compels people? Towards I mean, fucking none. Literally not. It's just me going to me. And I see so many fucking fitness centers do that where they're like, summer class kids registered by the next month or don't or whatever. And that's the end of it. And they go, I don't know, it didn't really work that well. It's like, well, you didn't fucking try. And I think this is one of those things that is trying to zoom in on who it is. And all the things we talked about today. That is what trying actually is. Because you cannot always just raise your hand and expect people to start giving you money.
John Fairbanks 31:45
And that's why I said six to 12 weeks. Yeah, there were six to 12 posts. This idea where you now like, you take your entire ecosystem of what you have available, the nutrition service you have available, how you talk about your personal training, what classes that you have, what events that you have your market, all of it now is going to target that particular person, that specific niche, that avatar, whatever you want to go after, because here's the beauty. If you have three or four, and we're going to keep those numbers, that's awesome, then what you're doing is you know, that you can do this cyclically, every single year, you can target and specialize in these groups. And once you get good at being able to talk to a group for about six weeks, eight weeks, 12 weeks, you now have all of that content and all that style locked in, that's now going to connect with those types of people. You don't have to do it where I'm only talking to somebody for six weeks, then only talking to another group for six weeks. Like once you can understand how to do this, and you get it built into your system, you can now have a rollout where it's now peppered throughout all of your content. And now you can mix it but you don't get to mix it if you don't know how to fuck an advertiser market just generally at all. Like if you just are struggling with the doing is like within, we need to just focus you on the one thing, because we're completely neglecting. And you need to understand that the superpower here is the word of mouth that happens after the fact, once you get a certain style person, birds of a feather flock together. It's not a surprise that a lot of my friends are all big, bald, bearded people. Because those are people that are trying or guys that swear a lot or drink whiskey or smoke cigars or whatever they all have been, all my friends seem to want to do this. It's super weird. And it's not fucking weird. It's because that's how it works. So if you attract one of me, I will then attract the others that are like me, and they'll want to come to and now you have this thing where it's this flywheel where you just gotta get it moving. And if you get it moving, then it just keeps going on its own. But for a lot of you, it just sits back and you don't do it at all. Like if you're a fucking CrossFit gym. Do you know what you don't have to market? CrossFit fucking CrossFit, that's done for you like, but for a lot of you, you don't get to if you are, Jim, Bob's fucking fitness center, no one knows what the fuck you are. So you have to kind of plant some flags violently and loudly in the ground and say this is who the fuck we are. And because otherwise, I'm going to make a judgment of what I think you
Tyler 34:26
are. Well and then not only does that keep that judgment that people make that keeps a lot of people away. But also by being too nonspecific, you're gonna get call misaligned leads which really are just low quality leads very often it's a low quality leads sometimes if you're running ads and things like that are people that are just kicking the tires, not very interested in buying or not even close to buying and that's one way for it to be a low quality lead. The other way to have a low quality lead is they go to your spot and they go oh, nevermind this isn't what I This isn't anything that I would consider doing that. You are one of the reasons you need to be there. thorough and informing people about what it is you do and what the vibe is and making consistently promoting yourself. So that people actually know by the time they're ready to pull the trigger, they should have seen lots of things about you. Because if this is where all these guys like I said you want and done post to try to sell something, you're fucking up because so people need to see a ton of things in order to be able to be compelled to buy, especially compelled to make a phone call, or fill out an online form or drive into your place and walk in to talk to a stranger about signing up. That's a huge barrier to entry. That's not me hearing about the Doritos los los tuk, whatever the Doritos taco shell thing or whatever that was, right. What does that call most local Doritos? Locos Tacos? No
John Fairbanks 35:44
way was it los locos Doritos Locos Tacos los
Tyler 35:48
Locos was the gang from the Johnny Five movie from shorts. Anyway, like, like, I can just be like, You know what I mean? Like, it's not a big deal for me to drive through Taco Bell drive thru drive thru, because I've seen it but I've seen 100 commercials about the Doritos Locos Tacos, you know what I mean, but I don't have to get on the phone, I don't got to have a meeting with a guy to pull the trigger on such things. I can be in and out in 45 seconds, and nobody can see me, I don't got to show up to the Doritos Locos Tacos factory to fucking eat them every day or three times a week, showing up to a gym is a big commitment. So just know that people need to see they're going to see a lot from you before they move, or they move forward. And if you're not actually giving them any real information about what it is that you do there, you're gonna it's going to be very tough on your attrition, if they do get signed up. But also, you're going to waste a ton of time trying to close people who have zero interest in what you actually are. Because you're not talking about what you actually are and directing it towards who you actually want to be doing business. You're just blasting it out at everybody. And then you're gonna get anybody that's not always a good thing. So keeping that stuff tight is, I think , very important. That process we talked about is your system, but this really is your marketing calendar. So it's like, you just have to go Alright, I need to talk about this program. And by the way, this isn't just programs to think that's important to clear this up. This isn't a new program for men, a new program for women can be but I think it's also just like, you have a customer who says I hate these marketing languages, but like customer avatar, who were like, what's like the three or four types of people that you work with? That is in your gym right now? Just what are they? What's their age were about is their income? What are their interests? Is it an interesting fitness level? Where are the fitness they've done in the past? You know, where do they live all this shit. When you come up with a few separate entities that you've kind of like boiled oil, at least the top four or five those into, then you start building your marketing towards this. So it's going to be the deadweight loss. You know, like offseason stuff for middle schoolers. You know what I mean? Parents looking to just drop the kids off daycare vibes, moms, you want moms to come into your 830 class, you want to sell a specific class this low, identify who normally goes to that class, right? My 8:30am class and 9am class, that's housewives class. It's the chatty hour, you know, and that's fine. But make sure then that that is the thing that you're talking about, if you're trying to fill that class, because I can't be talking about big heavy squats and rip in sweet pumps and big juicy packs. And then wonder why my my housewives morning class is like completely fucking dead. It's just completely dead. I can't be you know, making no blue collar talk, no blue collar directed language and then wonder why my place is completely empty after 5:30pm.
John Fairbanks 38:43
And what we're doing is we're kind of we're telling you exactly what we do. So like this is the start of boudica. Being able to put together solid game plans with every single gym owner or personal trainer that we're going to work with. We want to look at these things. We got to understand who the people that you're trying to market to are. And then how are we going to build out just like you said, it's we're building out your calendar. And it's it's it's it's, everything starts from here. What we're going to market who we want to talk to, is then is this massive trickle down effect where you see ends up for me becoming a beautiful mind scenario where I end up working off of a whiteboard, or I wind up working off of something where I'm sketching everything out, because everything leads to another, it ends up being directly they're all linear connections to Who am I trying to attract? What services do I offer? What types of events like when we break out a year we want to break it out into three month chunks for we're now looking at what are we going to try and target what are what are events that we're going to do what are classes or specific special like seasonal type things that we're going to target and then that comes from the programming and the classes and the nutrition and everything starts coming together. other, and that's where things just start met, they feel like they start magically working. Because everything is always pushing in the same direction. That's when things don't make sense. And you, you'll be like, I don't understand why this isn't working. And that's how you start to diagnose the problem by being like, well, something not working is a symptom. It's a symptom of a larger problem. So let's go find the problem. And all we have to do is work our way backwards from how aligned this is to what you're trying to do. And if it's not aligned, then that's where shit starts not making sense. And then yeah, it just, it gets deeper and deeper and deeper. But this is where it all comes from, is being able to really start to peel back and it gets too woowoo. And you have way too many people that make it like make or break or now you have to draw out this big fucking plan. And it doesn't need to be that complicated. It just needs to be that you are actually putting thought that goes beyond just trying to open your doors and run a class. And that's how you know, well, I don't even know what to do. I don't know what I'm supposed to say. And what you end up doing is you start looking at what other people are saying, and they're all playing some fucking stupid fitness trend. And then that's what you spend your time on. And it's just a massive epic fucking waste of time, or you're been open for 18 months, you've made seven posts total.
Tyler 41:20
Yeah, I go through, I'm scrolling through some gyms right now on their social media. And I see every specialty program or I would describe this as a launch of a new thing they're trying to do. The most I have seen is two posts. Like literally two posts, most of them it's one like of the things you're trying to sell. You're not fucking trying to sell them, let's be real, let's be real. Want to be real clear that it's not an effort. That's not what it is. So if you're wondering why you're not selling, it's because you're not trying to sell it. If you're wondering why you're not why you if your clients are wondering why they're not getting in shape, and they don't ever show up to the gym, that makes it pretty fucking easy to explain to them why? Why that's happening in gyms just don't understand that like the things that make you successful. And all other things kind of make you successful at whatever it is whether it's getting leads, selling fitness, attracting people making money selling upselling, getting on upselling I hate that term, but like getting people to choose higher fucking higher levels of service, all of that stuff requires effort. And most gyms that are struggling, or that are kind of at the precipice of some fucking crisis, right? Oh, my goodness, I've had to go back and get a fucking day job, or whatever type of shit is going on. We're like running out of fucking options here. They're not actually fucking trying to market. So at the point of fucking access to your business, you're failing it. And you need to start to actually work on this thing. So being specific, can help while being consistently generalized. And being diverse in the things that you're specific about, again, you want to spend 12 weeks directing things towards females, that's great, but you cannot. Boy, if that becomes your only thing, you ain't never gonna get a guy like me to show up to your gym, because I'm gonna be like, well, that's definitely not for me. So this is why I balance in the specific targeting that you have, and can now make your product one that attracts people with specific needs, but also attracts a lot of different people with very diverse needs, towards the specificity that they're looking for. Instead of just yelling into the void, we are Jim, we have Jim, this is Jim is fucking okay. I don't know, I guess here is an address that people need to know that they can be successful in the things that they want to be successful at. A lot of gym owners don't fucking do that at all. They're not even talking about the successes that their clients have. Because very likely, they're not we're failing as an industry people are getting fatter and fatter every year our population is not. The American population is not winning this fight against obesity right now, the biggest headway we've made on this subject is ozempic. Jose was just professionals are the ones fucking killing it. You know what I mean? God for Big Pharma, I guess, guys. But the reality of it is that like, you guys need to be fucking better. If you care. If you care about making money and you care about making a difference. People make money making a difference in people's lives. And then you'll get more people to do it. And then talk about those successes. When you're not, it makes people very fucking suspicious. If all you're showing is your logo, or you're just slapping your logo on pictures of people exercising, I need to see the results and most gyms frankly, can't produce it. That's the reality. I don't see them. Because apparently, from the outside, it looks like their people are all in just as good shape as they were the day they got it. Or they were not there. And
John Fairbanks 44:35
That's another style of content too. So like when we're talking about all these things that you're creating, when you're going to target a very specific group of people. Its results are really important for that type of person.
Tyler 44:47
If I'm a painter, I need to show some painted houses guys. I don't need to just show me painting houses. I need to see a painted house that looks nice when it's done. And
John Fairbanks 44:56
somebody's saying yeah, and somebody saying hey, He, he came and he painted and God Damn, he's a good painter. And I liked his painting and I like oh, right, not me
Tyler 45:08
paint truck. Here's the truck that I paint, paint with the truck I show up in and paint. This is it's it's terrible fitness marketing is either very scammy, or it's just super fucking low effort. And so I don't know, take what we said today with a grain of salt and run with it. Do fucking something the biggest My biggest complaint isn't the lack of specificity that I complain about today, right? It's actually that, by being a generalist, what you're doing is you think you're checking lots of boxes at once. And you're not what you're actually doing is less. So you make a post about everybody and everything. And here's our hours. And here's what we do. And here's our rates, and that's fine. That's wonderful. It's time in place for all of that. But then when that's all you do, well that you actually didn't do much, then that's like that's the minimum. That's the baseline : getting up in the morning and tying your shoes. That's breakfast you're not doing it, you know, like you can get up and tie your shoes and brush your teeth and do whatever else take a nice good shower, but that doesn't actually mean you're going to be successful in any of the other stuff that you do because you got to do fucking them too. So get on the game guys get get get on the ball get started get I just need to start trying the gyms that we all John, do we ever find a gym that's struggling to attract members? Have we even once seen one that is posting more than once or twice a week? Never every single gym that's like, oh, we just don't know what we're gonna do. It's like they'll go these stretches where it's like three months with no posts a year. We see gyms go multiple years. Like okay, let's get social media isn't solely the game that we're playing. But that's pretty fucking crazy. And then when they get desperate, they start posting once a week. But it's just about membership rates and shit that's not relevant to the success of their actual people. And it doesn't show anybody anything. And so if you want to fucking you want to pick up the ball, you want to pick you want to pick things to pick up, you need to pick up the ball and fucking move it.
John Fairbanks 47:01
No, and when we call it the social media thing. It's because it's a thing. That's an indicator. It's a red flag for us. Yes. It's like, oh, well, this isn't happening. So that makes me feel like I need to look over here. And then I look over here and then I go well, that's not happening either. And it's like, Oh, got it. Like it's yeah, no, it's not the all end all be all but it definitely is going to be symptoms of a larger problem, which is Yeah, big fucking surprise. You're struggling with whatever you're trying to do. So
Tyler 47:28
guys, I gotta go coach, I got a client who is let's see. 25 days and 15 pounds away from losing. Not enough. 15 pounds is eight weeks. What's eight weeks? John? How many days is that? 68 times eight weeks? It's 37 Yeah, we'll pretend like that's ish. Whatever. Catholic school math. It's one of those weeks 5056 days in less than 20 pounds away from losing 100 pounds in the last year. Exactly is one year mark so so get some fucking results guys and then everybody will beaten down your fucking door to deliver results. It's not that hard. And then you talk about it and then focus on snowballs, so go do that. I'm gonna go fucking wrap up this year of absolutely life changing fucking success for this guy. And then you guys are gonna be wonder why I get all these people who show up and spend a bunch of money work their asses off and are ready to fucking happen. So get on the ball, go out there and make some shit happen. We'll see you next week. Bye. We love