Monday, September 02, 2024
people, eating, nutrition, talk, health, gym, john, coach, calories, fitness professionals, food, big, good, mayonnaise, healthy, real, sell
Tyler 00:01
Tyler, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the gym owners podcast. I'm your host. Tyler Stone over there's John Fairbanks, how are you doing, John? I'm
doing excellent. Well,
Tyler 00:07
we're a little bit fired up today, not about politics, but about the subjects that are finally making their way to the political discussion, things that probably matter. I won't put anything into context about everything else but health, the health of Americans, has finally made its way to the discussion thanks to some dead guys, kids or whatever, right? The guy, the CIA, the CIA killed this guy's dad.
A bunch of dead guys, kids, a bunch of dead guys.
Tyler 00:35
Anyway, RFK came out, and we're not going to touch on any of the real politics of this or that, or whether or not, honestly, I believe that the machine, the mechanisms, the candidates at hand, can do any of the things they're saying on the subject. But we're going to go to the center of this problem, the American declining health crisis, and it has been probably our biggest failure, because I think it costs that that does cost us more American lives than any of these fucking blunders we've had in foreign fucking wars that maybe we should not have been. I wasn't gonna get political anyway, 20 years in fucking Afghanistan and kill a million Iraqis. But like while we continue to fucking absolutely get worse and worse and worse, the health of our people here. There's a lot of factors that go into America's health decline over the last 40 years. They've been calling since 1980, aren't they? They like the whatever, like the benchmark, and ever since then, it's been an absolute fucking mess. And guys, I don't know you've seen it, I don't, I don't know it's tough when you grow up in it, because we're just one generation, right? Just you just grew up and there was, I don't know, there were some overweight people that I grew up with. I'll tell you this. There wasn't a single person that I went to, all of my middle school and elementary school and high school that ever was as fat, frankly, as a shitload of the kids that I see running around now. And I remember when I was in Europe, there was a and I'm going to speak pretty candidly here, because I don't care if you're if you if this offends you. I just, I do not. I don't care. There's a type of fat person in America that doesn't exist in other countries. There is, there's just, like, a level of it that's like, you've just been so gluttonous for so long. And what's sadder about that, if it's an adult man, I understand there's a lot of things in mental health. I coach weight loss. I get mental health issue is some of these kids now never had a fucking chance. And you see kids that are like, the type of fat where their foreheads start to fucking roll, droop over, and the fat hang at least, you see, if you're at an age where you're young, and you're in middle school, elementary school, and your child's fat to the point where they have forehead fat hanging over their Jesus Christ, man, what are you doing? And that is a thing that I have never seen in any other country. We used to wonder when I would travel after spending long enough times, months, years. In countries where I'm very few people speak English. Most of my conversation is not happening in English, or it's not happening at all. You almost get started for anybody who's American, right? Like, oh shit, I can see it. Just to say hi to someone, hey, you're American, sweet. That alone is like you're starred for that type of engagement. It's pretty easy to find Americans. Yeah, out in the wild, pretty easy, pretty easy. Kind of like how a predator finds the weakest, lamest, slowest animal. That's usually what I would look for to find the American. Whether I'm in Austria, Germany, Netherlands, around about like, you can always spot the Americans. And so this isn't, I was one of them, by the way. I was on the path to being, like the biggest, fattest of the most blue colonists, sad early death type folks you could find. And so, so I know the feeling, but there's John. We had, like, two years in a row, and they're trying to pin it on covid, but there was like 21 and 22 where, like, literally, we lost our life expectancy dropped by, like a year, almost each year, more than now the life we're going to be the first generation that will not live as long as our parents. And from all of the advances that we've made in medical technology and all of our glorious understandings of science. Here we sit because what is the problem with America's health? It's not knowledge. It's not the scientific knowledge that the scientific community has about health or whatever. It's implementation. Implementations about trust. It is about informing people. It's about compassion. It's about empathy. It's about connection. And as a country, we have completely failed that altogether. This isn't just about obesity. This makes America healthy again. It's not solely about obesity. There's a lot of factors that go along with this cancer, which I do believe to be quite a bit, is environmental, right? That involves your food, food quality. I diet a lot. There's also diabetes, which I think is connected to obesity, obviously. And then there is, of course, drug addiction, the opioid the opiate crisis, like that's a huge factors, tons and tons and tons of drug deaths, but there is still a place where I think health and fitness and diet and all of that stuff protects us as a society against every one of those. You know what I mean? Like, if we were all dying in car accidents, and that's the reason, I'd be like, Okay, well, I guess we gotta talk to General Motors about this, right? But like, do you see a lot of people that exercise regularly, that are in good shape, that take good care of themselves and eat well, that then just like, fucking start doing heroin. And then, you know what I mean, like, I just think that in general, I think that overall health and wellness starts to protect us against even those other things, those other behaviors. And I think that for you as a fitness professional, this is your mission. I, in my opinion, don't know because even if what you're doing is, you know, we have coaches that do youth sports, we have coaches that do CrossFit or gyms that do both of those things. We have gyms that do all open gym stuff, but all of them, each of them you're trying to bring health, fitness, wellness, into somebody's world. Why? Because it takes up space where other stuff normally would be. You know, one of the things that keeps me from day drinking a lot, John, what's that day drinker? I like it? I'm a happy hour kind of guy. It's on my agenda tonight, by the way, is that I have jiu jitsu in the evenings that I have to do. Yeah, I have coaches. I got a coach. Yep, sometimes like, so like having things to do. Boy, does it sure keep me out of the bars. I don't know what to say or at the very least not till after. And I'm, I'm not late for that guy. I'm not going out to the bar after not fighting people till 730 and then showering and then going out. I'm not that kind of guy, but if I during covid, there was a lot of fuck it. It's almost noon.
You know what I'm saying? Yeah, it's almost noon in the UK.
Tyler 07:15
Yeah. So I just think that I am happy to see this initiative. I do believe that what the political side of this is is actually an environmental play. Does that kind of the interpretation that you got, that this really is about food quality and farming and water quality and environment? I feel like this is more an environmental initiative, which is fine. Start with, start with, stop poisoning us. Poisoning us. First thing to do to make us healthy, let's not actively poison our population, step one. But we now, as fitness professionals, you need to take like, Don't you dare let the government now decide that they're going to take care of your people. Don't expect the government to make your community healthy or healthier. I would hope that the government would stop poisoning our people with allowing these companies to make dog shit food products and really fucking up how we educate kids and families about nutrition and diet. I think that's a great step. But for you, as coaches fitness professionals, don't go, oh sweet. The guy with the fucking weird voice and the fucking guy who I don't know why he keeps that haircut. Well, these two guys are going to take care of it. We're not going to do that like you cannot absolutely just let's say, Thank God these guys have it covered. Okay, as a fitness professional, just understand that while they are raising awareness to the issue. I would never trust that the government's going to get this one totally right. So I like that this is a part of the discussion. Now you guys are the ones that fucking know what to do. Do it. Do it right. Like, take this ball. Now people are aware. Now this is a great opportunity for you. Like, the only thing that sucks is if you start parroting Make America healthy again. Now you have some political connotation to it, which is whatever sort that out, however you need to. But like health is being discussed, it will be in the spotlight. I hope to God it is. And if they have, if this is another political promise that they walk away from once, once the election happens, hold them accountable, or start to carry that ball, move the ball forward yourself. Well, you
John Fairbanks 09:25
just use it as a spark right to be able to pick up and run with if you, if you haven't, if you haven't picked up and ran with this yet, it's you gotta, like, why is the threat? Why are gyms going to get closed? Like, what's the threat? At the end of the day, it's a threat because, like, personal health and personal accountability is one of those last vestiges where you get to have complete and total control. And this is one of those things where it immediately can get political, because it's my body. My choice just depends on what side of the aisle we're talking about, what topic we're talking about, or whether it's okay or not, yeah, but at the same time it's up to you to decide. Government has had its opportunity to be able to try and be the answer, like you said, if you're waiting for the government to be able to come in and help you out right there,
Tyler 10:09
What are we talking they're not going to subsidize gyms. They're not going to subsidize gym memberships for low income families? Maybe, I don't know, but like, that's not that's not what we're talking about here. We're talking about how the fire has been lit. Now fucking start burning shit to the ground here. Let's go. Like, it's time to start to light up the place that you light up in your community. Now it's time to go.
John Fairbanks 10:35
And it comes down to if you, if you scapegoat the government, which, at the end of the day, right? We are a unique group of people in the States, where we just freely accept the fact that our government is allowing us to, like, we're freely allowing them to poison the food. Yeah, right. And definitely that's something you get more enlightened to when you do leave and you do have the opportunity to engage with food. Quote, unquote, that's not in the States, but at the same time it's, there's a lack of appreciation of, like, individual neg, like, this negligence that happens to the person, where you just accept it's like, well, no, like, if it's food, it's food, and the government wouldn't allow us to eat it, or it wouldn't be like, it's, I get to be able to scapegoat that responsibility. And what that ends up happening is that 20% of the population dies because of the food they're eating, all the way from like you talked about, like from the food, like, we all know the bullshit that's out there. So the idea is that we have to be taking, like, a significant moral responsibility as professionals that claim to be in this industry, that it's it's completely and totally up to us that it's the government is successfully destroying it because of all the reasons that we know, the reason, same reason, why you're going to have the same people that make soda and the same people that make candy and make all the bullshit also are helping be able to make the pharmaceuticals, like, it's like, I'm going to make you fat so you get sick, and then you can have my other company that buys the medicine, and then I have a forever spinning wheel of success. But the problem is, their success is the death of everybody else.
Tyler 12:16
And I think we got here not because these, listen, I love a conspiracy as much as everybody else, but I do believe it's we're not here because governments and these corporations are trying to kill us, necessarily. I just believe that they're willing to do it if we're continuing to demand things like convenience and that if I have a strawberry flavored drink that it must look like a strawberry color, therefore they must put poison dye into this just for the aesthetics. Crazy thing on the dyes. And I'm not one to decide whether or not that's all the noise is real, but as far as I see, I I think that's probably a pretty legitimate claim here is that a lot of the food dyes we're using are unnecessary. We can all agree on that, right? If it's just for color, what the fuck guys, you know what I mean, like, needs to taste purple. Yeah, it's gotta taste like, it's gotta look purple. Can't just taste purple and but then like, I also believe that when we seek convenience and sweets, the things that we seek because we're uninformed or because we don't care enough for ourselves that we are creating the demand as a society. So the demand that we're creating is: This is dog shit, shit, food, shit, quality food. We're willing to buy bullshit. I want it cheap. I want as much as I can smother it in cheese, but I already believe the tide is turning. I believe it's been turning before this. I have more faith, I think, in what's been going on in the last couple years, because I think our generation was John. Our parents were raised on mostly healthy food, until they became adults.
Yeah, until Mike, yeah, microwave, convenience food,
Tyler 14:03
right? Yeah, that's really the truth. Like, my right? And then we were the ones that were like, oh, all this convenient, easy, oh, the food's cheaper. Hell, yeah. All this, all those things started popping off and this hyper processed food. And then what has happened to agriculture with the, you know, like, oh, shit, let's use fucking we're going to subsidize corn, perfect. Let's put that as sugar in everything, because people love sugar.
Let's eat dead cows to live cows because it's cheaper. Soylent Green. Now
Tyler 14:32
I believe that our generation is aged to the point where there are plenty of people that are still lost, to use whatever hyperbolic terms, there's still adrift. But there are those of us who like, you know, when people don't like the way they look and feel, there is an incentive for them to change it. And I think all of us have reached that age where even I coach people every day. Man, people who have reached that age ago, I've had enough. Man, I. I gotta do better. I just, I need to do better, and that now that we are the ones with the money, at least in our households, right now, our children are subject to a bit of a higher standard, maybe than we were held to, as far as nutrition when we were kids.
John Fairbanks 15:14
You said, maybe there's no fucking chance that it's, it's, it's, it's infinitely better. You got to realize that our children, though, John, not, oh yeah, no, no, that's true, but, but, and for those of you that are listening, it should be your fucking kids too. Like we're all in this, right? Like it's we collectively all agree that the food and health system is completely corrupt and fucked up. And so this is the next question, I think, probably takes us to where this is the point of the episode to talk about, which is the idea of, like, then what are we going to do about it? And if you're not, like, you need to be doing it, and we should be doing it. Because the reality is, I was raised as a double Big Mac meal kid. My son's not full with a single Big Mac meal, so we're going to get two Big Mac meals. And that was a norm. That was like, that's totally fine. That's normal for small John, who was 12 years old, 185 pounds and 65% body fat, yeah, like that was, that's who I that's that was me. That was who I was and that but it came from then watching my dad like I'm the same age as my dad is,
The same age I am now is the age in which I fully was aware of how old my dad was when I was a kid. Like, you're not really aware of, like, how old your parents are, and kind of like, Oh, my dad's 36 like, fuck. I'm 36 now. So I was that age, and I remember being like, Dad was terribly out of shape. Was always throwing his back out, like was always fucked up. Could barely play like, a nine rounds of golf, because 36 is, like 105 right? Oh yeah, you're just like, oh, like, he can't get off the couch, like he's got, like, Dad can't even raise his hand above his head to throw the ball anymore, because he throws his neck out. Like that was what was normal. And I remember, like, for us, and all of us had to make this decision, right? Tyler, you talk about it like you were the most blue collar redness, most dying, earliest kind of a person. But there's something that causes us to pivot. And I pivoted like I was like, I'm not that right there. I'm not going to be that. Two very hefty parents my whole life and always was. I'm like, I know what I'm not going to be. I don't know how I'm going to get there, but it's not going to be that. So we've all pivoted so we know the shits fucked up. But the most important question, and the real question when we look in the mirror, is like, then what are we doing about it?
Tyler 17:33
We're talking about true health. Yeah, this is why, also, I believe the demand is for health. Obviously, great bodies, exercise, fitness is the deal, but health, that is all component of overall health. Now, that is why we dig in so much on nutrition, because those other things don't work without it. Weight loss doesn't really work without it. Getting in good shape doesn't really, it's everything's made better with nutrition and diet. So if you're tired of me telling you to start bucking, helping people with their food, start teaching. This doesn't mean open classes or do seminars or Well, does it need more fucking know it all gurus. They need more people to sit in front of somebody and go, Hey, man, here's what you're eating. Here's what you should be eating. Let's get you through. Let's go. Let's just start working on this. We have to change. And that's the hardest thing. When I coach people, it's like, I can just eat a little bit like this or a little bit like this, and I'll lose weight. I was like, no, no. Like, everything has to change. And everything kind of has to change forever. There can be some things that come in every once in a while that are shit quality foods, but like, you need to get in knowing that everything that you're eating right now is probably fucking bad and that you like, and for an overweight person, everything you're eating needs to be really pretty, pretty well assessed. We need to sit down and assess where this fits in with your long term goals. And if this is a thing that can be in your life at all, if you can really rein it in, you know? And that's why this is if you're coaching people, and people are expecting weight loss or expecting to get healthier, eating better, is probably the centerpiece of that, moving more, getting stronger, developing more cardiovascular capacity. That's also part of it. Other than that, that's that's as far into health I care to go as a fitness professional, most likely, I'm not going to come here and talk about your feelings all the time, because I do believe if you start eating better and take better care of yourself and are accountable to yourself, and you accomplish difficult things, all the guru fake ass mental health shit that's out there in the fit to fitness industry, you know, what they all miss is it like just accomplishing hard things and being consistent and eating well and fueling yourself and reaching goals and looking better and getting that makes you feel better, not sitting in the gym, not a. Accomplishing any of those things and talking about fucking fake ass bullshit. Okay, so this is a spot that's gonna wash out a bunch of the dorks doing fake mental health shit mindset, fuck all that stuff. Okay, let's just start winning. Okay, get somebody to win a day, and then they'll win the next day, and then they'll work harder, and then they accomplish things they didn't think they could accomplish. They continue to set the bar higher and higher for themselves, and they clear it over and over. Accomplishment will make you feel better, because the physicality of it all reinforces it. The nutrition reinforces it. You know what doesn't talk about your feelings and how my shoulder hurts because it's my pec my relationship with my father. You fucking nerds. Okay, so be real about the mental health side of this here is just worry about health and mental health. Guess what kind of sorts itself out. Okay, so when we're dealing with the nutrition stuff, just know that this needs to be, this is, this is your hardest uphill battle, and this is why people that know the most information end up doing kind of a shit job of getting people from unhealthy to healthy correct. It's not the plan. Any plan with a calorie deficit will kind of work. What experience do they need to have to get them there? Like, What? What? What experience do they need to have to get them to maybe not stay too attached to some of their bullshit. What are they willing to let go? Maybe they need to know that they need to let go of a lot of stuff. And your job is to make them come to that realization, the realization that maybe they're not ever actually fucking hungry. They're just bored. You know, there's a lot of realizations that someone needs to come to. I didn't say this on the podcast, dude, I had a fucking mayonnaise meltdown the other day for real. Like, I use it so well all the time. I mean it, but, like, I still buy, I got teenagers, I still buy mayonnaise by, like, the gallon. Because, by the way, if you're still into mayonnaise, go for it. But mayonnaise buys a gallon. Walmart is like, 1519, bucks, okay, mayonnaise by the fucking pint or whatever. It's like $9 anyway, that's the quantity in which I had mayonnaise in my house. So if I'm gonna make a sandwich, John, what's a reasonable amount of mayonnaise to put on a sandwich? I'm like, three fucking tablespoons, maybe more. I'm a sloppy sandwich eater, right? Yep, looked at it was like fucking 300 400 calories. I'm like me. That's just awesome. I tried making my wife, because she's, like, going real strict on her stuff. So I tried to make her, like, tuna, tuna salad type stuff, you know? Yep. And so we got all this tuna, and I started looking at what she can have for calories. I'm like, so I put in what mayonnaise would allow that, and I realized, and that alone was like, for her serving was still like almost 300 it was almost the same amount of calories as the tuna, and it was not enough to add any good creaminess, richness to the tuna. Okay, meaning, of all the me being strict for all these years and all the things I've eliminated, I don't do bacon. I don't almost never fuck with cheese. There's just a lot of stuff where the risk, not the risk, the calorie, cost, it's not worth the joy. I'm not adding two slices of cheese to get 350 extra fucking calories on this meal. What the fuck two slices of boring ass cheese? So? But I look at this and I'm like, fuck I had to go, all right, I fucking can't really do mayonnaise more like I and a person who is extremely unhealthy and is eating absolute shit, they need to have that realization 1000 times about 1000 different things. Well,
just think about all the realizations that you had, yeah, and yet mayonnaise, and all of its glory was still lingering out there. And think about how low like the
Tyler 23:48
ketchup, by the way, you got to have something in life that you like,
but it's the lowest hanging fruit, right? And how much lower fruit is there until someone gets all the way to where it's like, and this is, and this might be, this is also part of the problem, where you start getting somebody that wants to be able to start to be able to start taking their health more serious, and someone's like, well, you know how like unhealthy salad dressing is? You need to start making your own salad dressing now, like, work, they go way out there, right? So now so much work is impossible. I can't maintain this,
Tyler 24:16
yeah. Whereas the solution is really like, hey, like, maybe do like, I do. Like, I don't eat fucking salad that much good without dressing. So move on.
Do a piece that I think so I am willing to say that 100% of the gyms and coaches that we've worked with that are not related to us, that when we first introduce any type of nutrition conversation and about selling it, we are always met with the same answer, 100% of the time, which is, I can't sell nutrition and people. Don't buy it. And by the
Tyler 25:01
way, not that they can't, that they're not allowed to, comes up a little bit, but usually, always, be a fucking coward. Don't be a pussy, just fucking someone needs help. Someone's coming to you to lose weight, and you're going to go, sorry, I'm not allowed to talk about, shut up. Tell them what they should eat. Sell a thing for them. I don't care. I have never, ever, ever even seen a cease and desist, ever, from anyone that we've ever worked with, and I would love for you to get one, because then you can just cease and desist and then just pay a fucking rdn a commission to sign the bottom of the shit that you do, and then you continue to do it, and you're fucking covered. But the idea that they can't sell it. They're not trying to sell it. They're just they're anyone, anytime one of these gyms, John tries, actually does what we do, it's not about being slick. It's about actually having the conversation that matters in front of the person who it should matter to. And if people are coming to your gym thinking, I can just exercise and then I'll lose all this weight, I don't need to change how I eat. You're already fucking up the expectation. Because the expectation is we're going to outwork whatever it is you're eating. No, the fuck you are not. Absolutely not. So when they come in, the first thing they need to hear is if they're looking to lose weight, all right, so we're going to have to address what you're eating. That is the most single, most important component in weight loss. Here's what you're going to have to do. I tell people not even day one, pre day one, when someone asks me, asks me, if what I'm what I charge, or whatever, my first question is, well, what are you looking to accomplish? It's almost always weight loss, because it's just what it is. I mean, there's other goals for younger athletes. It's almost always weight loss. So the first thing I say is, well, nutrition is the most important component. I have a nutrition only program, and you can just fix the diet. You will lose weight. That's the cheapest, most affordable, most accessible route. You'll have accountability, yada yada yada. Second one is nutrition and workouts. By the way, both of these are remote. All of these you do nutrition and workouts, you'll get your you'll know what to do in the gym and what to eat. And I'll hold you accountable to both third one, nutrition and dealing with me one on one, as far as most expensive personal training, the most expensive, the reason that is presented that way, or at least that those are the three options, is, did you notice that every single one of them includes nutrition, and not all of them include exercise. Why is that? Because it fucking matters the most. And if they say, Well, I don't really want to feel I have told people not enough. I've told people that don't want to do the nutrition, that I don't want to fix it or whatever, I said, Okay, well then I'm not going to do this. And it's not about selling you the thing. I've told many people. Now, if you come up with a nutrition plan that you want to be accountable to, as your coach, I'll talk to you about it and talk you through it. I won't charge you for the plan if you have a plan, but you will not continue to wander aimlessly in the fucking dark, eating whatever it is you think, eating all of the things that have got you here and then, or even worse, then thinking you're making changes, but using only the knowledge that had you had that got you here. It's like you need to learn. You need to change the things that you eat starting here. You set that expectation. As a business, do you know how much nutrition you're going to sell? I sell nutrition to 100% of my clients, 100% without exception.
We talk to gyms all the time, but don't even offer it.
Tyler 28:30
A 0% closure rate on adding nutrition. This isn't about money. This is about your shit working, and we have people that do not even offer it. And what a fucking shame.
John Fairbanks 28:41
And I think it comes down to, it has to come down to whatever you whatever your baggage is that you personally have with this, yeah, it has to be you. You are introducing baggage, and that's really why you and, and you said an important thing that I don't want to gloss over. You said, Try, they don't even try to sell it. And I can tell you, all of you, with 100% confidence that if there's anything that's inside your business that you are wanting to be able to do and you haven't been able to do it, you haven't fucking tried. And this is not like I tried it this one time I sent out this thing. It didn't work. So obviously, our people just don't like it. It's no, no that. That's not what it means to try. So if you are trying to do something, it means you are actively doing something. You are taking the steps, multiple steps, to be able to get this implemented. And if it's not important enough to you, you give up on it. But if this is something that you want to do, you can do it. But I think it's I know that it's hard, and I know that it's got baggage, and I know that you're too fucking smart for your own goddamn good, so you nerd at the fuck up and cause yourself to talk to people about creating their own fucking homemade me. Have you tried homemade mayonnaise? Get fucked that is, shit is the worst on the goddamn planet. I've tried
Tyler 30:06
and never got it right, not at all, and it's, it's never even passable. Somehow it's chalky. I've tried every oil I've used by the way, then it gets to the point John, by the way, homemade man is not less calories than regular maze. It's still just oil, correct? But like, if you get to the point where, if your thing is about giving people more food chores, it's gonna make it harder, because they're already implementing new habits. They already have, like, changing the things that you do, getting someone to change the things that they do is a part of it. Yeah, giving them some extra things to do is also a part of it. You're gonna have to start exercising. Maybe you're gonna have to not give into convenience food all the time. You know what I mean? Maybe because you're a little hungry on the road, you don't get stopped at a gas station. Maybe because you're in a hurry, you don't get to grab Little Caesars on the way home, like there is already enough extra that's going on with them, avoiding the convenience that you cannot just also go. And the only way that you can do this is by making your own everything. That's not how it's going to be. That can't be the linchpin of your program. Now we're all Trad wives making everything from scratch. Okay, you just have to shop for everybody. Fix how they shop. You'll fix how they eat. And then you can go from there, and they can start to replace, then they can start to do this simple, one thing at a time replacement system. Joel
Salatin is known as the lunatic farmer. His farm is just down the road from where I live. Isn't
Tyler 31:33
that kind of wild, that like, he's like, pretty big, and you it's like, right? It's like, in your county, right?
John Fairbanks 31:38
I've sat with him on his front porch in his rocking chair, and got to just pick his brain and chat like it's and so it's crazy, right? So you look at him, right? He's on fucking Rogan he's been on multiple times. This is a guy of regenerative farming, like he's one of the, one of the leading experts of it, like in the world anyway, he has a phrase that he shared, and it's in one of his books as well. And it calls, you can be a nudist or you can be a bud, you can't be a nudist, Buddhist. And and he goes to explain he, and this is where he actually was explaining the rationale, because fucking try hards come up to him. He sells hybrid chickens to all locals, he controls the local market, and he's regenerative farming. So why doesn't he have a heritage of birds? We're going way deep on chickens right now, right? How do we have people? What's
Tyler 32:30
the different heritage bird? That's
what I'm about to explain. So a heritage bird is going to be a bird that has not been modified genetically. It's a true bird, right? You can get heritage turkeys,
Tyler 32:39
code for chickens with small breasts. That's exactly what it sounds like and the lowest chance of surviving. And also, this
John Fairbanks 32:47
is what he said when they first started their farm. You're talking people that do hundreds of 1000s of heads of chicken per year on top of cattle like these are, these are not, this is not a fucking vegetable farm. This is a meat farm that they run, Polyface farm, the reason why, he explained that you can't be a nudist and can't be a Buddhist together, right? He can't be a nudist Buddhist because he tries to sell true heritage, non genetically modified birds. No, no one wanted those birds. If you've ever handled chickens and you've plucked them and you've done it, if you handle a bird that has not been modified. It's not a hybrid bird. It's not like that cross that exists. Their breasts are tiny and they're non-existent, nothing like what you see at the store. And they had to make a decision as a company, that is, they are only going to raise the meat birds. Their egg birds are different, but their meat birds are always going to be these hideous, hideous fucking looking birds that only their life only exists to be alive for eight to nine weeks, and then you're gonna kill them, because it's a kill of passion and support and love for that bird, because it cannot afford to live another day longer, because it lives breasts into the ground and it can't move around. And he said, The reason why is because you cannot operate a business. No one will buy it. And it sucks. Nobody wants these tiny ass chickens. I
Tyler 34:09
think the moral of this entire thing, John here, is that big pecs do, in fact, cash checks 150%
John Fairbanks 34:17
That's exactly what I need all you to take away from this. And maybe an alternative thing to take away from it as well is the idea that you can't be you and your shit, when you're talking about nutrition, you can't be and this was his point as well. Where was the idea where it's if you want to be able to get somebody on the track to start focusing on what they're eating? Because his big thing is, like, you can have chickens, you can do all this on your own thing yourselves, but you're not going to take somebody that lives in the city and convince them that if you have a cat, it's as much work to own a couple of chickens. That's too it's too far of a bridge to be able to gap, to be able to bridge over that gap. But you can get people to think about eating healthier, but it doesn't mean. Well, I can't it's too expensive the organic, no, just fucking start buying your food at the grocery store. And don't worry about it. Stop eating out, and once you get them into the grocery store, then we have the next gap to hurdle, which is maybe start thinking about organic. Maybe start thinking about buying the cheapest shit possible, and start and you inch people along on their own journey, because you're not going to be as insane as this motherfucker is, which is, he has a larder and he doesn't go to the store. They've never been to. They don't go to the grocery store for fucking anything. Well, you don't get to start there.
Tyler 35:34
The problem is far for most people, it is.
But the problem is we do not take this mentality, because we are so firmly up our own ass, with how smart we are, with being able to express how scientific we are, that we understand what liposomes are and lipids and get fucked and all those things. And what you do is when you talk to a normal human, because this is what really made me think about it when you said Todd, which is, don't stop at Little Caesars for the crazy bread, which has only gotten smaller. It's so depressing how big it used to be, and now it's like, this is, no, yeah, it's, that's where most people need to stop. And this was really in the early days too, when I was working with you, and we were like, really kind of Honing and sharpening this process for dudes that are middle aged dads that are tired of this dad body concept, where it's like you're not going to get them to stop drinking beer, you're just going to move them to light beer or maybe move them to liquor instead, and hope that they don't have a problem. Can
Tyler 36:32
Do we address the frequency? And then maybe my best bad advice, my best bad coach advice, fast up until then, do you know why you're not going to have the calories in your starter bag before you save that two you're not going to go drink 17 beers. You're going to drink nine. And in the end, in the end, maybe that's a net gain calories wise. Now I do think that the food stuff is also the best. Like I fully believe if I laid out the macros that somebody needed to eat, literally, calories, carbs, protein, fats, the ratios, all of those in quantities were dialed in completely. John and the person followed it, no matter who it was, they would get the results if they followed it really, really, would I truly believe that the science does work that way humans don't, meaning I can make the best laid plans of mice and men. Man like there is no fucking way. The problem with a lot of the macro coaching stuff is if it doesn't also, if you're not also prepared, as the coach, to deal with the habits and the lies and the preconceived notions and build a system so that these people will actually do it? Build a system that can rein them back in when they fall out, like, like you're completely missing the point. Because I eat less, move more. It fucking works. Eat Fewer Calories. But every time I see Dr Mike is a rat, get on there and go, that's just calories. The reason it's a calorie deficit, calorie def, we all know this. Everybody knows this, get people to do this correctly. And I know they get plenty of people to do it, but I feel like if they're dealing with if, a bunch, if, if he is, and his plans are in front of a bunch of people who are net, who have never really made an attempt at this before, there's too much I believe the behavioral behavioral fall off for programs like that. It's just simple, here's this. There's no real behavioral conversation. There's no here's what you might think about doing or not, or here's how you're going to feel with this. Don't fuck this up. A lot of times when people do this, this happens, so avoid that. You have to prepare. This is expectations, and I don't see much expectations from a list of just protein fat, carbs, calories, protein fat, because then it turns into you can have pizza as long as it's below your calories, yes, but a person who has enough pizza to be below their macros and keep their calories low is going to be fucking hungry against low satiety, whatever. It's not going to satisfy them very much. I ain't the Science Guy, yeah. But like, from a behavioral standpoint, like, if I eat 1100 calories of pizza, easily, two slices, okay, and then I didn't get enough protein in, so maybe I'll have just protein shakes, but I still get in my calories and my protein and whatever, somehow it all works out. But there's not enough in me, and the next day or the next day or the next day, I break and you never hear from me again, and I walk away from the plan. So the people slinging just the macros, without any behavioral conversation, without trust, without real accountability, I think they miss the real purpose, because every plan that's out there works as a coach. It's to coach. It's to be there, to take them from where they are to where they want to be, not to lay the plan out. Otherwise, you know what you're doing. If you just lay out the plan and say, go there, you're just a guy giving directions, man, and I don't know what to say, there's not a lot of value in that to me. You're just there. There's maps out there, dude, taking me from here to there is a service telling me that it's that way. Geez, Thanks, bud. Yep. So I think that that's where as an industry we miss, I think we miss a lot in regards to the larger health conversation. John, go ahead,
Well, it's if we know by metric sake, right, based off of and we've talked about this before, but if we know that, if 78% right, according to crunch fitness franchise, if 78% of Americans don't belong to a gym, so let's say that that's true. So we're saying seven, eight out of 10 Americans don't belong to a gym.
John Fairbanks 40:45
In general, if they don't belong to a gym, then what that tells us is that if you have to have joined your cult at your gym in order to be able to unlock your super smart food weighing macro bullshit. You are telling me that you are only actually trying to help two out of every 10 people that live in your community. Yep. And that is where, for me, the problem lies where, if this was working, if this was working, what your gym does ends up on the Today Show, but it fucking doesn't. What does end up on the Today show is equally not awesome. The reality is, is that the these bad yo yo type fucking diets that everyone has tried, everyone fails at because it ends up being their one little dork thing there. Whether it's going to be, I'm only going to bathe everything in cheese and bacon and I'm going to lose weight, or if it's going to be I'm only going to be vegetarian, I'm only going to be vegan, whatever these things are, you are missing the fact that you are only going to speak to only that small percentage. So if we were doing this the right way, more people would be losing weight instead of more people dying. And that's where we know it's the hardest thing that you have to train people from as an athletic coach, talk to athletes, and usually not even like fitness weightlifting athletes. I'm talking like sports. The hardest thing to learn as an athlete is that you can do your best and it still is not going to be good enough. Yeah, that's a really hard fucking lesson to learn, but you have to be willing to say, and if you have the right mindset, you can say, there's always someone else that's working harder than me right now, I think I'm working as hard as I can, and the fact is, I'm not. And if you play sports at a high enough level, you eventually meet those motherfuckers that are just more gifted than you. They did work harder than you, and you probably worked. I worked really fucking hard, but I came across a lot of fucking dudes that didn't it didn't fucking matter how hard I was going to try, I was losing. We do not have enough humility within this. We do not have enough humility within
what we do to look back and say, is what I'm doing good enough? Yeah? Because if we did, we'd step back and say, How can we make this better? How can we improve it instead, what do we love to do? We love to blame the client. Oh, by
Tyler 43:14
the way, well, also we'll either blame the client or we blame society. And this is the thing that we're not you and I are not doing here, right? We're not going, I mean, we're like, you know, the government's poisoning the people, but like, we can, people can be informed around that and we shift that demand, and things change, correct? Literally, there's an awakening that we talked about generationally. Now, our generation was raised with zero focus, zero focus on food. And what we didn't have with our generation, John was raised with zero focus on quality food and quantities and diet so that we're able to make sure that we're healthy. Healthy food was not really a part of the equation for us. Our parents had healthy food in front of them, and they didn't need the information that the food was healthy. It just is what it is. It was good quality food for the most part, until later in life, but we got the poison food that was cheap and accessible and easy and fucking delicious and addictive. So we were kind of losing as the food quality became shitty, we were the ones that didn't have any information and now had this wealth of very easy, shitty food to eat, right? So it's all in front of us that's changing now, and because of this now, the demand is shifting. I I see hope, even from fucking Walmart. John, you know, my favorite, my number one favorite new brand recently is Walmart's launched a new, like, just a couple months ago, better goods brand. Oh, sure. And I don't know if you've seen it or whatever, but like, it's essentially, like, Chef inspired, like, really, really flavorful new not just the same old, boring shit. But I don't know that low calorie is necessarily the thing that they're hunting for, right? But everything's pretty affordable, and everything actually is flavorful. Now, inherently, then a lot of it is, like, pretty low calorie stuff. So they go based on love. So my thing that I found this brand with was their like, keto burger buns. Because I eat a shitload of hamburger buns, I eat a shitload of hamburgers, and I often have to use them on, like, the little miniature high fiber tortillas, which is not as satisfying. It doesn't have the fill, the filling. It's not, it's not as good. Or you're just having them on regular buns that are 150 to 180 calories a piece. Well, I eat fucking four to five burgers at a time. If I'm eating one meal a day, like I'm eating, I'm eating right because I gotta get almost two pounds of meat in at night, a pound and a half and two pounds in so I can't afford those calories. Of all those buns, I just couldn't. So then I'm eating less burgers. I'm eating more shit I don't like, or I'm having to just enjoy them less. These buns, keto buns, that they have are just really high insoluble fibers, which now these buns are not biscuit hard, like some of the old, yeah. I mean, like, low calorie bonds were, they have the texture, they feel great, they taste fucking good, and they're 50 calories each, like, that fucking rules so, and now, because, because they're all of the stuff that's in this brand is plant based, which is, I'm mostly indifferent to, you know what? I mean? I think it's probably better than if it's fucking like, oil or whatever. I don't fucking know, but I mean, like corn syrup, corn syrup, but I don't know. Corn syrup is probably plant based as well. You know what I'm saying. But they have, one of the main things that they have, actually, is they have one of the pillars of this brand, the better goods brand at Walmart. Never thought I'd be saying this. I love this Walmart brand, it's made without. One of the pillars is made without. So not every product is made without all of these things, but very often, each product very specifically addresses the things that they're made without that normally would be in other things. So they have gluten free, lots of stuff made with zero artificial flavors, coloring, zero added sugars. Um, while being made without them, they don't lack the flavor or texture like they have a sweet cream, dairy creamer. It's only four ingredients, no antibiotics. They have gluten free, antibiotic free, all white meat, chicken nuggets. They got carnitas. They have seasonings that fucking rules. So now, if Walmart is already there, but whatever they do, just fine selling shit to shit, shit, shitty people who want to buy shitty things. Okay, they're already here because the demand is there. Correct? They didn't, they're not. Walmart is not in the interest of creating demand. I don't think people understand this. Walmart does not create demand at all. They will sell whatever they can sell. Who was the guy? Jesse James was an Orange County chopper. He was the other one was he? I thought he was a counter chopper. So Orange County Choppers were the big FATHER, Son joint that were fighting each other. Can we find out? I don't think it's terribly relevant. But anyway, this guy, you guys remember Jesse James had the reality show, I think he was married and then divorced to Sandra Bullock at one point. Yeah, gonna get to the deep stuff here. West Coast choppers. West Coast choppers, when all of when Orange County Choppers, when any chopper show was fucking on TLC or discovery and was getting popular. Did you know that Jesse James made like, like, 10s to $50 million off of just selling T shirts at Walmart. He didn't even have a clue really about them. He kind of, like, set up a deal, like, okay, and then they just started moving units. And these deals just started producing checks on checks on checks. Well, Walmart didn't create the fucking that weird chopper reality TV era, they just go, all right, people like this thing, let's sell 50 million shirts this year. Do you want this? We'll put them on if they're only in response to a demand. So this is, I think, a really good sign that people want things that there's already such a demand for things that are healthy, and people were not tolerating the healthy stuff that tastes like shit and had poor texture and made them shit their brains out, right? So things are moving the right direction for you guys. Now, what do you John? Let's, let's just like real quick before we wrap up. What do gym owners, coaches, fitness professionals do? What can we do to be a part of this Make America healthy again, not the initiative, because I'm sure it's going to get all political and convoluted and be about next thing we know, there's going to be some sort of, like, car emissions laws and shit coming on that are attached to this, and it's going to turn into a, you know, we don't abuse our grandma's law. Is what this is going to be passed, and there's going to be a bunch of bloat on it. So don't get attached to the fucking thing that's being branded politically. But this needs to actually make America healthy to help yourself and your community. Where can you start? You start in your community with your existing clients. From there, you branch out to the people. Around you in your community. You use testimonials, referrals. You get your existing clients results. You start to talk about nutrition. You start to talk about actually things that'll get people healthy again, not your equipment, not repping, big ass, squats, bro. Like what is going to get people who need to get healthier into your gym? And how can you help them? This is where it starts. So start with the way you market, market to your people. Offer nutrition coaching if you're not doing it, okay, the best way for you to participate and help in making America healthy is to make the people around you healthier. Do whatever it is that you can, and that doesn't mean do it for free. Matter of fact, the best way for you to get more people is for you to be making. John, do you know how many people I'm interested in right now as 1000 pounds is my goal for this year, right? Right? Well, if it was, if it would pay me $20 million I would set that goal to 10,000 pounds, right? You know what I'm saying, I would have more of an impact if I made $20 million I'd try harder. Maybe I wouldn't try. I don't know. Maybe I'm missing this whole, this whole concept, but I do believe that you also need to make sure that you're making money, because if you're not, you're not going to be able to carry this water for long enough. Okay, you can't carry the financial burden and live in hardship while just really helping people, because at some point you're going to burn out. At some point your wife's going to go, hey, you need to go get a real job. Okay, that's not the case here. Okay, you absolutely have the ability, because the demand is there. I'm telling you, it's there. There's money to be made. Strap up your nutrition coaching program. If you don't have one, start selling one right now and figure it out. Start helping people lose weight. Hold yourself accountable to the success rate of your clients. Hold your clients accountable to their own success. Rinse, repeat, off you go. And if
John Fairbanks 51:53
you don't know where to start, we've we've done these. We've done enough episodes where we've laid out exactly how you can, we've given you all the principles, all the everything that you can take and piggyback and steal, any of the concepts that we've kind of given out there. Because the whole goal for us is that the same way for us as individuals, want to be able to help clients lose 1000 pounds this year, as as individual trainers and coaches, we want to be able to have an impact that grows even larger to where if we impact you all as gym owners and as fitness professionals, and then you make impact to the people that are in your communities, you have a massive wave. Because this only works. Make America healthy again. Is not something that happens from the top down. It will not happen. It will not work. It'll get fucked up. That's why the political stuff fucking lose it. It only happens grassroots, because here's what's real. What's going to work for you Tyler in the Dakota territories, and what's going to work for me in the south is going to be different for you fucks that live in California or for, God forbid, you live in Canada,
Tyler 52:56
youths are different. The correction is different. The culture, the way you need to approach this is different. And you're going to be a place where you may have different types of people, you know, I can settle into a pocket, start basically just carving weight off of big people. Here goes pretty good. You live in, you live in the San Diego area, you're like, well, there's so many fit people, okay, find the ones that aren't or help the fit people get fitter. Like, actually get fitter. Whatever it is, there's some, there is a role that you can play and that you should play. If you care, if you don't care, I don't, I don't, whatever. Listen to the wrong show, keep addressing that. Like, if this doesn't matter to you, I have no idea why you're still listening. That's all. And if you want to work with us directly, okay, we help gym owners implement this stuff. We do, we do allow so we do some discovery calls. You gotta pay for them, but we do discovery calls we can go through. And we'll talk about your gym specifically, where you sit, kind of get a lay of the land, and we give you a little bit of a roadmap for your next steps, our execution plans. That's kind of our entry level before you start working with us. We need that information before we decide. Oftentimes we'll have these conversations, the worst things that we have conversations and sometimes we find that the gym owner is one of the ones that's not interested in. It's just like, Well, how do I get 500 more people here? Well, I don't care, and I don't have that conversation for free for that reason. So if you're dialed in and you want to actually make an impact, you're going to do the things that it takes to make you successful, your site, your clients successful, make yourself a shitload of money in the process while growing your business. Send John or I a message on Instagram that's at the gym owners podcast on Instagram. Or me at Tyler F and stone Tyler EFF, i And so John is at J banks, FL, or message us at the dudes at Hack Your gym com, that's the right one, right? Yeah, is
Does he do that? Or your mom? Yeah, I
Tyler 54:46
I always feel bad throwing that one out there. My mom's a nice lady. What's your mom?
That's your mom, not my mom. All right. All right. Thanks for listening,
Tyler 54:55
everybody. We'll see you next week. You