Thursday, September 07, 2023
Let's cut through the BS and get straight to the point: your gym’s marketing should be a triple-threat. It should churn out raving fans, help you attract new members and clients, and place you in pole position to create future fans. For now, we're just going to dive deep into the first point: creating raving fans.
But before we delve into that, let me tell you a story.
We work with many gyms through our GEAR Academy, and I remember one gym, in particular, that when we first sat down with them, they just looked like every other gym out there. There was nothing special about them – their marketing was like a dull, fading wallpaper in a sea of brightly colored murals. They blended in so well that they were practically invisible. And because of this, all the leads, emails, and inquiries they got were centered around one thing: price. "What's your price?" That was the only question on prospects' minds because, to them, this gym was no different from the one next door or the one in the next town over.
We knew something needed to change, and fast. So, we started working with them, and within the first 30 days, we saw a massive improvement. And do you know what the secret was? They learned to be unapologetically themselves.
Back to our main point. You can't sell hot air. You gotta be damn good at what you do, and you gotta let that shine in your marketing. You need to be that coach who eats, sleeps, and breathes fitness. No shortcuts. No pretending. Just raw passion and competence.
Getting stuck in the grind of making more money than you spend is a ticket to Nowhereville. Your focus shouldn't just be about making a quick buck, but about delivering quality service that creates a wave of loyal fans.
Every new hire, every new member, and every client you get should not only bring in revenue but should boost your gym's reputation. You want folks saying, "Damn, that place is good!" And if you fail to do this, you'll be coughing up twice the money next time to repair the reputation you’ve allowed to slide.
Word of mouth should be a massive driver for your business. That’s right, we’re talking old-school, tried-and-true, neighbor-to-neighbor chatter. When folks in your area, your community, start saying, "Their shit is good," you know you're hitting the mark.
This isn’t a fast track to success. It's a hard, sweaty grind. But if you’re passionate about what you’ve built and committed to your members, you can create a gym that not just survives but thrives.
So let’s cut the crap. Be genuine, be good at what you do, and focus on creating raving fans. Just like that gym we worked with, you can turn your "just another gym" image into a unique, authentic brand that stands out in the crowd. Be unapologetically you, and watch your gym’s reputation – and success – skyrocket.
- John
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