In the bustling world of fitness, where every gym owner and personal trainer seeks to stand out and connect authentically with their clients, understanding the 'secret sauce'—the unique pillars of our personality and life—can be the game-changer in developing a successful business that resonates deeply with the people we serve.
John Fairbanks
In the dynamic world of fitness, the demographic of active agers is rapidly expanding, presenting an untapped opportunity for gyms and fitness centers. This group, far from the outdated stereotypes of yesteryear, is actively seeking ways to enhance their physical wellness.
John Fairbanks
First, we have to touch on the critical difference between fitness coaching and medical or therapeutic advice. As a Personal Trainer, people are coming to you believing that you have their safety in mind first and foremost. You can help them move, exercise, and fitness in the best way possible for them.
John Fairbanks
Many gyms have an “access” level, “general” or “base” level of membership for their gym. This is the low skill, low labor part of the business for gym owners because this allows clients and members to come and go in your business with little/less need for fulfillment by the business. This is because you’ve already made the investment and spent the money on the equipment, machines, showers, etc. to attract this “base” level of member and client.
John Fairbanks
In today's fitness landscape, where every new gadget or workout method is hailed as the next big thing, it's essential to navigate these waters with a discerning eye. The phenomenon of trends gaining momentum simply because they are declared "trendy" is not just common; it's a calculated move by those who stand to benefit the most. As gym owners, personal trainers, and fitness enthusiasts, we owe it to ourselves and our clients to ask the hard questions: Who is promoting these trends, and what's their motivation?
John Fairbanks
Welcome to a deep dive into one of the most insightful episodes of The Gym Owners Podcast - Episode 113, "Building Repeatable Success From Scratch." Hosts Tyler Stone and John Fairbanks tackle the critical topic of creating a self-sustaining, flourishing fitness business. This article distills their wisdom, focusing on transforming pilot programs into permanent, profitable aspects of your gym.
John Fairbanks
In the fitness industry, especially in CrossFit circles, there's a misguided belief emerging in preparations for 2024: just keep your clients and watch your revenue double. This shallow perspective fails to recognize the deeper, more nuanced issue – the importance of evolving with clients over their lifetime fitness journey. Let's dive deep into this misconception and chart a course towards meaningful growth in both revenue and client satisfaction.
John Fairbanks
The group class gym membership that you are selling is the reason why you don’t have enough money to pay yourself anything at the end of each month.
John Fairbanks